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How to Pack Like a Pro for Your Erasmus in Athens: A Comprehensive Guide

A neatly packed open suitcase filled with clothes, topped with a sTRAW hat PLACED ON TOP, and a checklist placed beside it, ready for an Erasmus adventure in Athens.

Without a doubt, your Erasmus adventure in Athens marks an exciting new chapter in your life.

From the rich history and vibrant culture to the thrill of living in a new city, there’s so much to look forward to!

But before diving headfirst into your Greek odyssey... one essential task requires your attention: PACKING

For many students, especially those moving away from home for the first time, packing for a six- to ten-month stay can be overwhelming.

What should you bring?

How do you avoid overpacking?

How can you ensure you have everything you need without bringing your entire wardrobe?

This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to pack like a pro for your Erasmus in Athens.


Let’s get to it!

1. Understand the Climate in Athens

Tip: Pack for the Mediterranean climate, which means breathable fabrics for summer and layers for the cooler months.

Athens enjoys a Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers and mild, wetter winters.

When packing, consider the season you’ll be arriving in and how the weather will change during your stay.

Summer (June to September): Think light, breathable fabrics like cotton and linen. Pack plenty of T-shirts, shorts, dresses, and comfortable sandals. Don’t forget a hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen—the Athenian sun can be intense!

Fall (October to November): As temperatures start to drop, you’ll want to add layers to your wardrobe. Light jackets, cardigans, and scarves are perfect for this time of year. You’ll still experience some warm days, so keep a few summer items handy.

Winter (December to February): While winters in Athens are milder than in other parts of Europe... it can still get chilly, especially in the evenings. Pack sweaters, a warm coat, and waterproof shoes. Athens experiences occasional rain, so a compact umbrella is also a good idea.

Spring (March to May): Like fall, spring requires layers. Light jackets, sweaters, and versatile clothing are essential as the weather gradually warms up.

Example: If you arrive in September and stay until June, you’ll need a mix of summer and winter clothing. Start with your lightest summer clothes and gradually transition into warmer layers as the seasons change.

2. Create a Capsule Wardrobe

Tip: Focus on versatile pieces that you can mix and match.

A capsule wardrobe is a collection of essential clothing items that can be easily mixed and matched to create multiple outfits. This approach not only saves space in your suitcase but also ensures you’re prepared for various occasions without overpacking.

Essentials: Choose neutral colors that are easy to mix and match. For example, a pair of dark jeans, a black dress, a few white T-shirts, and a neutral-colored jacket are all versatile pieces that can be dressed up or down.

Layers: Bring a few layering options, such as cardigans, sweaters, and light jackets. These can be worn over your basics to create different looks and keep you warm.

Shoes: Limit yourself to three or four pairs of shoes. Comfortable walking shoes are a must for exploring Athens, while dressier shoes are ideal for nights out. Pack a pair of waterproof boots if you’re traveling during the winter.

Accessories: Scarves, hats, and jewelry can change the look of an outfit without taking up much space in your luggage.

Example: A black dress can be worn on its own in the summer, paired with a cardigan and tights in the fall, and layered with a sweater and coat in the winter. By choosing versatile pieces like this, you’ll maximize your wardrobe options without overpacking.

3. Pack Smart with Space-Saving Techniques

Tip: Use packing cubes, vacuum bags, and roll your clothes to maximize space.

Space is at a premium when you’re packing for a long-term stay, so it’s essential to use every inch of your suitcase wisely.

Packing Cubes: These are a game-changer for organizing your suitcase. Use different cubes for different types of clothing (e.g., tops, bottoms, underwear) to keep everything neat and easy to find.

Vacuum Bags: For bulky items like sweaters and jackets, vacuum bags can significantly reduce the amount of space they take up. Simply place the items in the bag, seal it, and use a vacuum or hand pump to remove the air.

Rolling Clothes: Instead of folding your clothes, try rolling them. This method not only saves space but also helps prevent wrinkles.

Shoe Storage: Stuff your shoes with smaller items like socks or toiletries to save space and help them keep their shape.

Example: If you’re bringing a winter coat, compress it with a vacuum bag. This will allow you to fit more items in your suitcase without sacrificing warmth.

4. Don’t Forget the Essentials

Tip: Make a checklist of must-have items you can’t leave behind.

Certain items are essential for your Erasmus stay, and forgetting them could cause unnecessary stress. Create a checklist to ensure you’ve packed everything you need.

Important Documents: Pack your passport, visa, Erasmus paperwork, insurance information, and any other important documents in a secure, easily accessible place. It’s also a good idea to have digital copies stored securely online.

Medication: If you take any prescription medication, bring enough to last your entire stay, along with copies of your prescriptions.

Electronics: Don’t forget your phone, laptop, chargers, and any adapters you may need for European outlets.

Personal Care Items: While you can buy toiletries in Athens, bringing travel-sized versions of your essentials for the first few days is a good idea. If you have specific brands you prefer, consider bringing full-sized versions.

Reusable Water Bottle: Athens tap water is safe to drink, so bring a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated and reduce plastic waste.

Example: Keep all important documents in a dedicated travel wallet or folder. This way, you’ll know where they are and can easily access them.

5. Consider What You Can Buy Locally

Tip: Lighten your load by purchasing some items in Athens.

Remember, you don’t need to bring everything with you. Many items can be easily purchased in Athens, so focus on packing what you really need.

Toiletries: Shampoo, conditioner, soap, and other toiletries are readily available in Athens. Bring enough to last the first week, then buy the rest locally.

Seasonal Items: If you’re arriving in the summer, you can buy winter clothing later in the year. This saves space in your suitcase and allows you to shop in Athens.

Household Items: Most essentials will be provided if you’re staying in a furnished apartment. Check with your accommodation provider before packing items like bedding, towels, or kitchenware.

Example: Instead of packing a heavy winter coat in August, plan to purchase one in Athens when the weather starts to cool down. This will save space and allow you to choose a style that suits the local climate.

6. Pack for Your Lifestyle and Hobbies

Tip: Bring items that support your daily routine and favorite activities.

When packing, consider your daily habits and hobbies. If you enjoy working out, pack your gym clothes and shoes. If you’re a bookworm, bring a few of your favorite reads or an e-reader.

Fitness Gear: If you plan to stay active, pack lightweight workout clothes, a yoga mat, or resistance bands. These items are easy to pack and can be used in small spaces.

Books and Journals: Bring a few books or a journal to help you relax and reflect on your experiences. An e-reader is a great space-saving alternative.

Camera: Bring a camera to capture your adventures if you're into photography. Don’t forget extra memory cards and batteries.

Example: If you enjoy yoga, pack a lightweight travel mat and a few workout outfits. These items won’t take up much space, and you can continue your practice in Athens.

Ready to Start Your Adventure?

Packing for your Erasmus in Athens doesn’t have to be stressful.

By understanding the climate, creating a versatile wardrobe, using space-saving techniques, and focusing on the essentials, you can pack efficiently and start your adventure with confidence.

Don’t feel pressured to bring everything with you—many essentials can be purchased in Athens.

The goal is to bring what you need to feel comfortable and at home in Athens while leaving room in your suitcase for the memories you’ll make.

If you found this guide helpful and are looking for a comfortable, move-in-ready apartment in Athens, be sure to check out our listings at Rooms Athens.

Our fully furnished apartments are perfect for Erasmus students, providing a hassle-free living experience so you can focus on enjoying your time in Greece.

Happy packing!

And remember, whether you're planning your wardrobe or searching for the perfect student accommodation, Rooms Athens is here to help make your Erasmus experience unforgettable.