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How to Set Study Boundaries and Crush Distractions in Your Erasmus Apartment in Athens (Even in a Noisy Flat!)

Living with flatmates during your Erasmus experience is exciting...

New friends, shared experiences, and plenty of social opportunities.

But there’s one challenge many students face when co-living...

Balancing social life with academic responsibilities.

When it’s time to hit the books, distractions can pile up quickly, especially in shared living spaces.

In this blog post, we will dive deep into how to set boundaries with flatmates during study time.

These tips will help you maintain your focus... while preserving good relationships with your roommates.

Before we begin...

Check out the Rooms Athens student accommodations that prioritize your living and study environment...


Read on!

Why Setting Boundaries is Important

Boundaries are essential for keeping your life in balance.

Even more so during busy academic periods.

Set clear expectations with your flatmates about your study time and enjoy:

  • low stress

  • increased productivity

  • zero misunderstandings

Without boundaries?

The noise from the kitchen, unexpected visitors... or late-night Netflix binges in the living room can distract you from your goals and make it harder to focus.

Whats more is that boundaries aren’t just for you...

They also help your flatmates understand when you need to concentrate and when it’s okay to hang out.

Actionable Tips for Setting Study Boundaries

Now that we understand why boundaries are crucial... let’s get into the actionable tips so you can create and maintain them in your co-living environment.

1. Communicate Clearly and Early

Open and honest communication is the foundation of setting boundaries.

Don’t wait until you’re frustrated or overwhelmed before discussing your needs.

When you first move in, sit down with your flatmates.

And engage in friendly conversations about everyone’s routines, especially study times.


Let’s say you have exams coming up in two weeks.

An excellent way to start the conversation could be:

“Hey everyone, I’ve got exams coming up. I’ll need quiet time to focus during these hours."

Is that okay with everyone?

"I’ll make sure to stay flexible if you have any major plans. But I’d appreciate your understanding during this time.”

This approach is respectful.

It also shows that you’re open to compromise and ensures that your flatmates are aware of your needs ahead of time.

2. Define Study Zones

If you rent one of our rooms, you're entitled to a specific area that you use for studying.

Usually, it is a desk in your bedroom. Make it clear that when you’re in that spot, you’re focused on studying.


You're one of the lucky members of the roomsAthens community. As a result, you have a desk in your bedroom as your study zone.

You can explain to your flatmates:

“At my desk, I’m in ‘study mode. And I’d appreciate it if we could keep noise to a minimum around that area.”

Having a designated space sends a strong, non-verbal cue to your roommates. It clearly states that it’s your focus time, and they’re more likely to respect that.

3. Use Visual Cues

Visual cues can be an easy way to signal to your flatmates that you’re in study mode.

A simple “Do Not Disturb” sign on your door or a closed door can be helpful ways to show that you need quiet time without constantly reminding them.


You could create a sign that says, “Studying for exams – I’ll be done at 4 PM!” and hang it on your door.

This helps set expectations and provides a timeframe so your flatmates know when they can interact with you again.

4. Establish Quiet Hours

When you co-live with many flatmates, having agreed-upon quiet hours is important.

Quiet hours could be during the early mornings, late evenings, or specific times when you’re trying to focus.

Once these hours are set, everyone knows to respect them.


You can suggest to your flatmates: “Would it be possible to keep things quieter from 10 AM to 2 PM? I’ll be working on my assignments during that time. After that, we can catch up or watch something together.”

This helps set a clear timeframe for study and social time, balancing both your academic needs and social life.

5. Set Technology Boundaries

Another challenge in co-living spaces is the use of shared TVs or music systems.

If your flatmates are blasting music or watching TV in a shared space while you’re trying to study, it can be a huge distraction.


Instead of feeling frustrated, you can approach the situation by saying, “I need to study for a couple of hours. Could we either lower the volume or switch to headphones during this time?”

Setting these technology boundaries ensures you can focus without being overwhelmed by background noise.

6. Be Flexible and Respectful

It’s essential to remember that living with others requires compromise.

Your flatmates also have their own schedules and preferences. And while it’s important to set boundaries... it’s equally important to be flexible and show respect for their needs as well.


If a flatmate has friends over you could negotiate by saying, “I’ll study in my room while you have your friend over.

Could we just keep the volume down a bit? I’ll take breaks, and we can hang out together later.”

By being considerate of their plans, you’re more likely to get the same respect in return when you need quiet time.

7. Use Study Breaks to Socialize

Studying doesn’t mean you must completely shut yourself off from your flatmates.

Take breaks and use that time to socialize. It can help maintain a healthy balance and avoid feelings of isolation.


You could let your flatmates know, “I’ll be studying for the next few hours, but I’ll take a break around 3 PM. Maybe we can grab coffee then?”

This signals that while you’re focused on your academics, you still value your social relationships with your flatmates.

8. Respect Boundaries in Return

If you expect your flatmates to respect your study time... you must also respect their needs and boundaries.

Show consideration for their quiet times, sleeping habits, and personal space.


If a flatmate mentions they have an important meeting... or simply are trying to sleep, avoid playing loud music or making excessive noise.

This mutual respect creates a positive atmosphere in the home. Which in turn makes it easier for everyone to co-exist peacefully.

9. Address Conflicts Immediately

Even with the best boundaries, conflicts can arise.

If a flatmate continuously breaks the agreed-upon rules, it’s essential to address the issue calmly.


Instead of letting resentment build up, you could approach them by saying, “I noticed there’s been a lot of noise during the quiet hours we talked about.

Can we figure out a way to make this work for both of us?”

Open, respectful communication is key to resolving these conflicts before they escalate.

10. Consider Using a Schedule

In cases where everyone’s schedules are different, it can be helpful to create a shared calendar.

Or just use a whiteboard in a common area where each person can write down their busy times or study periods.


You could say, “How about we create a weekly schedule on the whiteboard, where we write down when we need quiet time or when we’re studying? That way, we’re all on the same page.”

This not only helps to avoid conflicts but also ensures everyone is aware of each other’s priorities.


Setting boundaries with your flatmates during study time is essential for maintaining focus and ensuring you meet your academic goals while enjoying your social life.

Clear communication, mutual respect, and compromise are key to making this work in a shared living space.

If you found these tips helpful and want to live in a student-friendly co-living space that respects your need for both study and social life, check out our Rooms Athens listings.

We prioritize the balance between a supportive community and a peaceful study environment.

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