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Seven Easy Hacks To Rent Quality Student Housing in Athens at Affordable Prices

1. Do Your Research

The first thing you need to do is do a little bit of research. 

There are quite a few things to consider about student housing in Athens, so take your time and get it right. 

You don't want to be stuck on the other side of town from campus or have to walk for half an hour every morning... just to catch the bus to school. (unless you really like walking)

Here are some things worth considering:

Location, Location, Location: 

Look for housing near campus, public transit, and amenities like grocery stores and restaurants. 

Depending on what you plan to do when you're not studying (like playing sports), you should also look for housing near such venues.

Types of Housing Available: 

Many types of student housing in Athens are available for rent. 

Anything from traditional apartments and houses (with roommates or solo)... to luxury condos and suites at local hotels. But all these options can add up quickly! 

Make sure your budget allows for whichever option(s) you choose before signing any contracts.

2. Don't Rent A House Sight-Unseen

This is not the time to take risks. The best way to ensure you find a place that meets your needs is to see the property in person. 

The easiest, most foolproof way is to visit the properties you're considering before signing anything or sending any money.

On occasion, however, it may be impossible for you to visit your prospective home in person, especially if you're from far away and have limited time. 

If this happens, make sure that your lease allows for a walkthrough of the property at least two weeks before move-in day. 

Also, ensure that there are provisions in the agreement. 

If anything seems amiss during this time, you can back out without losing any money—ideally with a full refund.

3. Don't Let Yourself Be Rushed Into a Decision

The choice of where to live is an important one. 

If a landlord begins pressuring you for an immediate decision, know that there are plenty of housing options in Athens... and take the time you need to think it over. 

Evaluating your options and pricing them will require some research. 

Compare rental prices for places with similar amenities. Get quotations from more than one source, and ask about any fees or expenses not included in the quoted price. 

Take notes throughout this process. You may consult these notes before making your final decision.

Talk with other students who have rented apartments in Athens.

Compare notes to ensure that you've considered all of your options. 

You should be able to find answers to your questions by discussing things with students who have been through the same process.

4. Split The Rent With Other Students

Renting a home is expensive. You need to shell out a lot of money to secure your booking. 

This is especially true if you are living in Athens. 

You will have to pay more than €450 per month for a fully-furnished apartment with all amenities.

If you split the rent with another student, the rental cost becomes affordable and falls within your budget. 

This might be a great idea, but there are certain disadvantages as well:


  • It's Cheaper

  • You Get A New Roommate

  • Make New Friends And Learn To Adjust With Each Other


  • Privacy Is Compromised (You Don't Have The Entire House Or Apartment To Yourself)

  • Conflicts Are Common Among Roommates (You Need To Be Careful While Choosing Your Roommate)

5. Build A Relationship With The Landlord

As a student looking for housing, your relationship with the landlord is probably more important than the house itself. 

There are specific ways to establish trust with your landlord that will benefit both parties.

When dealing with landlords, ask questions. 

Don't assume that they know what you want or need to know about renting an apartment—people rarely do. You need to ask questions if you want something done. 

A quick email can resolve your issue faster than if you wait until the formal tenant-landlord meeting at the end of each month.

In addition, if something goes wrong and needs fixing in your apartment or house: don't be afraid to ask and be persistent about it! 

Don't assume that just because the issue isn't bothering you anymore, it has already been fixed or taken care of by someone else. 

People break things in their daily lives without knowing it, so these things need constant maintenance and attention!

6. Make Sure You're Getting The Right Amenities

Renting student housing in Athens is becoming costlier by the day.

Therefore, it becomes imperative that you carefully choose the amenities you need... and don't have to pay for something you won't use anyway. 

To cater to your needs, make sure that your potential new rental property has all the amenities on your list.

If not, check how much it will cost to upgrade or install them. 

Also, analyze if it is worth paying for those amenities considering their value against the rent charged by your landlord.

7. Make Sure The Location Is Right For Your Classes

As with any city, location is essential when renting a place. You want to ensure the place you rent is suited to your needs.

Think about your commute to classes: how long will it take? Can you afford the time? How will you get there, and how much will that cost?

What about work? 

If you're part-time working, can you afford the commute time and cost, or are there jobs available at a closer location?

And what about your social scene: are these places accessible for you, or do they involve expensive transportation options such as taxis? Finally, think about the grocery store: Is it walkable or driveable from where you'll live?

Renting student housing in Athens doesn't have to be a painful experience.

Renting student housing in Athens doesn't have to be complicated, time-consuming, and expensive. 

We don't recommend you take up residence in the first place you see. 

But finding affordable accommodation is relatively easy if you know how to do it with a bit of homework and the right strategy. 

Rooms Athens has been providing quality student rooms and apartments to students since 2013. 

And we can assure you you'll find a student rental that suits your requirements and budget.

So, save time and hassle and get in touch with our team to pick your new home in Athens.