Finding the Perfect Erasmus Apartment in Athens, Greece: A Step-by-Step Guide

Studying abroad is an exciting adventure...

Until you're faced with the daunting task of finding your perfect accommodation!

As an Erasmus student, you want a place that...

  • is affordable

  • feels like home

  • and provides the comforts and security you need

This step-by-step guide will help you navigate the housing market in Athens to secure your ideal apartment...

And it will help your Erasmus experience be enjoyable and stress-free!

Step 1: Understand Your Needs and Budget

Before you start searching, it’s crucial to understand your needs and budget.

Consider the following questions:

  • Do you prefer living alone or with roommates?

  • Are you comfortable with a longer commute to save on rent?

  • What is your maximum budget for rent, including utilities?

  • What amenities are non-negotiable (e.g., Wi-Fi, furnished rooms, proximity to public transport)?

Step 2: Research Neighborhoods

Athens has diverse neighborhoods, each with its unique charm and price range.

Researching these areas will help you find a neighborhood that fits your lifestyle and budget.

Some popular neighborhoods for students include:

  • Exarchia: Known for its vibrant arts scene and affordable housing

  • Pangrati: Offers a mix of cafes, parks, and student-friendly housing

  • Gazi: Famous for nightlife and cultural events, with reasonably priced apartments

Step 3: Utilize Online Platforms and Resources

Leverage online platforms to find available apartments.

Websites such as Airbnb, Erasmusu, and local Facebook groups for Erasmus students are excellent starting points.

Additionally, specialized services like Rooms Athens offer move-in-ready, furnished apartments tailored to Erasmus students, eliminating many common hassles.

Step 4: Inspect Listings Carefully

When you find potential listings, scrutinize them closely.

Look for clear, high-quality photos, detailed descriptions, and reviews from previous tenants.

Pay attention to:

  • The lease terms and conditions

  • Included utilities and amenities

  • The condition of the apartment and furniture

  • The landlord's responsiveness and professionalism

Step 5: Schedule Viewings

Whenever possible, schedule viewings to see the apartments in person.

This allows you to verify the condition of the apartment and the neighborhood.

If you’re unable to visit in person, ask for a virtual tour or video call with the landlord.

Step 6: Ask the Right Questions

Prepare a list of questions to ask during viewings or virtual tours.

Important questions include:

  • Are utilities included in the rent?

  • Is there a deposit required, and is it refundable?

  • Are there any additional fees (e.g., maintenance, internet)?

  • How is security ensured in the building and neighborhood?

  • What is the process for reporting and resolving maintenance issues?

Step 7: Understand the Lease Agreement

Before signing a lease, read the agreement carefully.

Ensure that it clearly outlines the rent, deposit, lease duration, and any house rules.

If there are terms you don’t understand, seek clarification from the landlord or a legal advisor.

Step 8: Plan Your Move

Once you’ve signed the lease, plan your move.

Coordinate with the landlord regarding the move-in date, key collection, and any other requirements.

Make a checklist of items you’ll need to bring or buy for your new home.

Step 9: Settle In and Make It Home

After moving in, take time to settle in and personalize your space.

Get to know your roommates and neighbors, and explore the neighborhood.

Establish a routine that balances your studies, social life, and personal time.

Step 10: Stay Connected and Seek Support

Living in a new country can be challenging, so stay connected with friends and family back home. Use social media and messaging apps to keep in touch.

If you encounter any issues, don’t hesitate to seek support from your university, Erasmus groups, or housing provider.

By following these steps, you can find the perfect Erasmus apartment in Athens that meets your needs and makes your study abroad experience memorable.

If you found this guide helpful, check out our listings for move-in-ready, furnished apartments tailored to Erasmus students.

We’re here to help you make Athens your home away from home!

How to Maintain Cleanliness and Order in Shared Spaces in Your Erasmus Apartment

Living in shared accommodation can be a fantastic experience, offering the chance to make new friends and create lasting memories.

However, it also comes with its challenges, particularly when it comes to maintaining cleanliness and order.

Messy roommates can make shared living spaces stressful and uncomfortable.

This post will provide you with detailed, actionable insights on how to keep shared spaces clean and organized, ensuring a pleasant living environment for everyone.

1. Establish Ground Rules Early On

Set clear expectations from the beginning.

For example:

When you first move in, have a house meeting to discuss and agree on the cleanliness standards everyone should adhere to.

Create a list of ground rules, such as washing dishes immediately after use, not leaving personal items in common areas, and taking out the trash regularly.

Write these rules down and place them in a visible area, like on the fridge, to remind everyone.

2. Create a Cleaning Schedule

Divide the chores equally among housemates.

Develop a weekly cleaning schedule that assigns specific tasks to each person.

Tasks can include vacuuming, dusting, cleaning the bathroom, and taking out the trash.

Rotate the chores weekly so that everyone shares the responsibilities evenly.

Use a whiteboard or a shared digital calendar to keep track of the schedule and ensure accountability.

3. Hold Each Other Accountable

Regularly check in with your housemates.

Schedule regular house meetings.

Discuss any issues related to cleanliness and to check if everyone is following the agreed-upon rules and schedule.

If someone is not pulling their weight, address the issue politely but firmly.

Open communication is key to ensuring everyone stays accountable and the living space remains tidy.

4. Implement the "Clean As You Go" Rule

Tidy up immediately after using common areas.

After cooking, clean up the kitchen right away.

Wash your dishes, wipe down the countertops, and store leftovers appropriately.

Similarly, after using the living room, ensure any personal items are put away, and cushions are fluffed.

This habit prevents mess from accumulating and keeps the shared spaces consistently clean.

5. Provide Cleaning Supplies

Ensure everyone has access to necessary cleaning tools.

Stock the common areas with cleaning supplies such as all-purpose cleaners, sponges, dish soap and trash bags..

Having these items readily available makes it easier for everyone to clean up after themselves.

You can also set up a shared fund where each housemate contributes a small amount monthly to replenish these supplies.

6. Lead by Example

Set a good example for your housemates.

Be proactive in keeping shared spaces clean and organized.

If your housemates see you consistently tidying up after yourself and following the cleaning schedule, they are more likely to do the same.

Positive behavior can be contagious, and leading by example can encourage others to maintain cleanliness.

7. Designate Personal Storage Areas

Avoid clutter by providing specific storage for each housemate.

Assign designated storage areas for each person in the kitchen, bathroom, and other common areas.

This can be as simple as allocating specific shelves or cabinets for each housemate.

Having personal storage spaces helps keep communal areas free from clutter and makes it easier to find and store personal belongings.

8. Address Issues Promptly

Resolve cleanliness-related conflicts quickly and effectively.

If you notice a recurring problem, such as someone consistently leaving dishes in the sink, address it as soon as possible.

Have a calm and respectful conversation with the person involved, and work together to find a solution.

Ignoring issues can lead to resentment and a worsening living environment.

9. Keep Common Areas Minimalist

Reduce clutter by keeping decorations and personal items to a minimum.

Agree with your housemates to keep common areas simple and clutter-free.

Limit decorations to a few shared items, like a communal plant or a piece of art that everyone enjoys.

This approach not only makes cleaning easier but also creates a more organized and visually appealing space.

10. Celebrate Your Clean Home

Reinforce positive behavior by celebrating your efforts.

Once you've established and maintained a clean and orderly home, celebrate your success together.

Host a small gathering or a movie night to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Celebrating your achievements can reinforce the importance of cleanliness and motivate everyone to keep up the good work.

Final Thoughts

Maintaining cleanliness and order in shared spaces requires effort and cooperation from everyone involved.

By establishing ground rules, creating a cleaning schedule, holding each other accountable, and leading by example, you can ensure a pleasant and tidy living environment.

Remember, a clean home is not only more comfortable but also promotes a healthier and more harmonious living experience.

If you found these tips helpful and are looking for a place that values cleanliness and community, check out our listings.

We offer accommodations that prioritize comfort, cleanliness, and a sense of community, making your living experience as enjoyable as possible.

Get in touch with us to find your ideal home today!

How To Avoid Common Pitfalls in the Athens Housing Market

9 Tips for Erasmus Students

Moving to a new country for your Erasmus studies can get tricky...

Especially when it comes to finding suitable accommodation!

With its rich history and vibrant culture, Athens is a fantastic place to spend your Erasmus year.

However, the local housing market can present some unique challenges.

In this blog post, we'll provide valuable insights and actionable tips to help you navigate the Athens housing market and avoid common pitfalls.

By the end of this guide, you'll be well-equipped to find the perfect home away from home.

1. Start Your Search Early

Begin your accommodation search at least three months before your arrival.

We've seen many Erasmus students who start looking for accommodation a month before their departure to Athens...

Just to quickly realize that... many of the best options had already been taken!

Starting your search early gives you a wider selection...

Which allows you to avoid settling for less desirable options...

Early planning also reduces stress, enabling you to focus on other aspects of your move...

2. Prioritize Safety

Choose accommodations in safe neighborhoods and check the security features of the property.

When evaluating potential apartments, look for features such as secure entry systems, well-lit entrances, and proximity to police stations or security patrols.

Some areas near universities might not fancy you from a safety point of view.

In such cases, you're better off finding another accommodation in a central area with better security measures, which will provide you with peace of mind.

3. Verify Lease Agreements

Highly Important: Ensure the lease agreement is clear, transparent, and legally binding.

Some students have faced issues with unclear or unofficial lease agreements.

To avoid this, take our leases as an example:

All the main points are stated in both Greek and English, clearly outlining all terms and conditions.

Plus, Greek authorities must legally bind and accept leases, which is crucial for your visa and bank account applications.

4. Budget Wisely

Consider all costs associated with renting, including utilities, internet, and maintenance fees.

Unless you choose an all-inclusive rental, like the one we offer at roomsAthens, make sure that your initial budget isn't focused solely on rent.

Your expenses would be higher than anticipated after factoring in additional costs like electricity, water, internet, and maintenance.

To manage your budget effectively, create a comprehensive list of all potential costs and ensure they fit within your financial plan.

5. Visit the Property in Person (if possible)

If you can, visit the property before signing the lease to ensure it meets your expectations.

Virtual tours and photos can be misleading.

There are countless cases where students relied on photos.... only to find the apartment was much smaller and less well-maintained than presented...

If an in-person visit is impossible, ask a trusted friend or colleague in Athens to visit on your behalf.

Alternatively, request a live video tour to get a more accurate sense of the property.

6. Understand Local Rental Laws

Familiarize yourself with Greek rental laws to protect your rights as a tenant.

Greek rental laws can differ significantly from those in your home country.

Take the time to understand your rights and responsibilities as a tenant in Greece.

This knowledge will help you navigate lease agreements and avoid potential legal issues.

Resources such as local expat forums and legal aid organizations can provide valuable information on this topic.

7. Be Wary of Scams

Stay vigilant and avoid deals that seem too good to be true.

Scammers often target international students with attractive offers that turn out to be fraudulent.

So, whenever you receive an offer for a beautiful apartment at an unusually low price...

Become suspicious and investigate further!

To avoid scams, only send money or personal information after verifying the legitimacy of the offer and the landlord.

8. Use Trusted Platforms and Agencies

Utilize reputable housing platforms and agencies that specialize in student accommodations.

Those cheap listings on Facebook groups might be tempting, but they are hardly trustworthy.

Better turn to a specialized platform catering to Erasmus students.

And even more importantly, seek out verified listings... and support throughout the rental process.

Using trusted platforms can save time and reduce the risk of scams or unreliable landlords.

9. Build a Support Network

Connect with other Erasmus students and local resources to share experiences and advice.

Join Erasmus student groups on social media, where you can find valuable advice and support from peers who have already navigated the Athens housing market.

These connections provide recommendations for reliable landlords and tips on making the most of her stay in Athens.

Building a support network can enhance your overall experience and help you feel more at home.

In conclusion

Navigating the Athens housing market as an Erasmus student can be challenging, but with the right approach and resources, you can find a comfortable and secure place to call home.

By starting your search early, prioritizing safety, verifying lease agreements, budgeting wisely, and using trusted platforms, you can avoid common pitfalls and ensure a smooth transition to your new life in Athens.

If you found these tips helpful and want reliable, move-in-ready accommodation in Athens, check out Rooms Athens' listings.

We offer furnished and equipped apartments explicitly designed for Erasmus students, with transparent rental rates and exceptional support.

Contact us today to find your perfect home in Athens!

Feeling Alone Abroad? Cultural Exchange Nights Can Make Your Erasmus in Athens Unforgettable!

Moving to a new country is an exhilarating experience.

But for Erasmus students, the thrill of studying abroad often comes with the challenge of:

  • making new friends

  • adapting to a new culture

  • and finding a sense of belonging

And this is where Cultural Exchange Nights can play a pivotal role.

These events celebrate diverse backgrounds and traditions...

Which helps with the fear of isolation and fosters cross-cultural understanding.

In this post, we’ll explore how Cultural Exchange Nights can transform your Erasmus experience...

Plus, we provide actionable tips to make the most of these enriching events...

Why Cultural Exchange Nights Matter

1. Combatting Isolation

One of the biggest fears Erasmus students face is isolation.

Being away from home, friends, and familiar surroundings can be tough.

Cultural Exchange Nights offer a platform for students to meet others who are in the same boat, creating a sense of community and support.

2. Enhancing Cross-Cultural Understanding

Living in a multicultural environment broadens your horizons and deepens your understanding of different cultures.

Cultural Exchange Nights are designed to showcase the traditions, customs, and cuisines of various countries, promoting mutual respect and appreciation.

3. Building Lifelong Friendships

These events are not just about learning; they’re about connecting.

Sharing experiences, stories, and meals can lay the foundation for friendships that last a lifetime.

The bonds formed during these nights can provide a support network throughout your stay.

Actionable Tips for Making the Most of Cultural Exchange Nights

1. Participate Actively

If you’re from France for example, consider sharing a beloved French dish like ratatouille or crepes.

Bring ingredients, demonstrate the cooking process, and share the cultural significance behind the dish.

Actively participating in these events, whether by presenting your culture or engaging with others, enhances your experience.

It not only helps you share your heritage but also allows you to learn about others in a meaningful way.

2. Be Open-Minded

During a Cultural Exchange Night, you might encounter unfamiliar foods, dances, or traditions.

Instead of shying away, embrace the opportunity to try something new, like sampling Greek moussaka or participating in a traditional dance.

An open mind is crucial for cross-cultural understanding.

Approach each new experience with curiosity and respect, and you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for the diversity around you.

3. Learn and Share Stories

If you celebrate a unique holiday, like Bastille Day, share the history and traditions associated with it.

Listen to others as they explain their customs, such as Diwali or Chinese New Year.

Stories are powerful tools for connection. Sharing personal anecdotes and listening to others’ experiences foster empathy and understanding, making Cultural Exchange Nights more enriching.

4. Dress the Part

Wear traditional attire from your home country, such as a beret and striped shirt if you’re from France or a kimono if you’re from Japan.

Encourage others to do the same!

Dressing in traditional clothing adds an authentic touch to the event and sparks interest and conversation.

It’s a visual way to share your culture and engage with others.

5. Prepare to Teach and Learn

If you know a traditional dance, like the French can-can, teach it to your peers.

Likewise, be eager to learn dances from other cultures, such as Greek folk dances or Brazilian samba.

Cultural Exchange Nights are opportunities for both teaching and learning.

Sharing your knowledge and being receptive to others’ teachings creates a dynamic, interactive environment.

Example Event: A Successful Cultural Exchange Night

Imagine attending a Cultural Exchange Night at your Erasmus accommodation in Athens.

The evening kicks off with an array of international dishes laid out on a long table.

You bring a freshly baked quiche, Lorraine, explaining its origins in the Lorraine region in France.

As you serve slices, you share stories of family gatherings where quiche is a staple.

Next, a student from Greece introduces everyone to the art of making spanakopita, spinach, and feta pie.

As she demonstrates the layering of filo dough, she shares anecdotes about her grandmother’s secret recipe and the importance of food in Greek culture.

You eagerly take notes and ask questions, appreciating the hands-on learning experience.

Throughout the night, you participate in a lively Greek dance guided by your Greek friends.

Later, you teach them a simple French folk dance, laughing and bonding over the shared experience.

The evening wraps up with a storytelling session, where students from various countries recount legends and myths from their homelands.

By the night's end, you’ve not only tasted delicious foods and learned new dances but also formed meaningful connections with fellow students.

The fear of isolation fades away, replaced by the warmth of newfound friendships and a deeper understanding of different cultures.

Bringing Cultural Exchange Nights to Life

To make Cultural Exchange Nights a regular and successful part of your Erasmus experience, consider the following steps:

1. Organize Regular Events

Schedule monthly Cultural Exchange Nights, each focusing on a different region or theme.

Rotate the responsibility of hosting among students to ensure diverse participation.

Regular events create anticipation and provide consistent opportunities for cultural engagement, making them a staple in your community.

2. Encourage Inclusivity

Ensure that every student feels welcome to participate, regardless of their cultural background.

Create an environment where everyone’s contributions are valued.

Inclusivity is key to a successful Cultural Exchange Night.

An inclusive environment fosters a sense of belonging and encourages active participation from all students.

3. Promote Through Various Channels

Use social media, flyers, and word-of-mouth to promote the events.

Share photos and stories from previous Cultural Exchange Nights to generate interest.

Effective promotion ensures good attendance and participation.

Highlighting the fun and learning aspects of past events can attract more students.

In conclusion

Cultural Exchange Nights are more than just social events.

They’re powerful tools for building community, fostering cross-cultural understanding, and alleviating the fears and anxieties of studying abroad.

By actively participating, being open-minded, sharing stories, dressing in traditional attire, and preparing to both teach and learn, you can make the most of these enriching experiences.

If you found this post helpful and want a comfortable, supportive living environment that celebrates cultural diversity, check Rooms Athens's listings.

We offer furnished and equipped apartments perfect for Erasmus students, providing a home away from home in the heart of Athens.

Join our vibrant community and make your Erasmus experience unforgettable!

Greece for Digital Nomads: The 2024 Guide

Greece is a beautiful country with a rich history, culture, and incredible cuisine…

And with more than twenty well-known islands to explore, each with its distinct charm and personality, along with some incredible cities like Athens and Thessaloniki...

Greece has long become one of the most popular tourist destinations.

And not only!

Friendly visa regulations, high quality of life, and affordable cost of living have also turned Greece into a highly desired destination for digital nomads.

So, if you're looking to start your digital nomad journey with Greece as your first stop – you've come to the right place!

This updated guide for 2024 will give you plenty of information about working remotely in Greece.

Working remotely in Greece

When you're working remotely in Greece, you can enjoy some of the best living standards anywhere.

Your money will go much further here than in many other cities with a desirable climate and plenty of beaches.

It might not be as cheap as nearby countries like Bulgaria or Serbia.

Still, its thriving tourism industry, EU membership, and generally high quality of life make it far more livable.

That's why a large number of foreigners move to Greece every year.

While housing may be a bit expensive in well-populated areas like Athens or Thessaloniki... the cost falls outside these cities.

Plus, if you're looking for a place where it's easy to find English speakers, Greece is your place.

Where to work remotely in Greece

There are a lot of places to consider when deciding where to work remotely in Greece.

The mainland is much larger than the islands—you could spend months exploring it!

But most people come here for the beaches, so if you don't want to miss out on those, you'll want to start with an island or two.

Is the Internet fast enough in Greece?

According to the Speedtest Global Index, Greece has good internet speed.

Here are the median speeds in March 2024:

  • Mobile Download: 67.89 Mbps

  • Fixed Broadband Download: 52.45 Mbps

While it isn't the fastest, this is enough to work remotely.

And with growing investment in fiber infrastructure, you'll be able to find spots with fast internet access in Greece.

What is the weather like in Greece?

In general, the weather in Greece is Mediterranean, with very hot summers.

But the heat of summer is cooled by sea breezes from off the coast, making it bearable for digital nomads to work during their stay.

Winters are mild, with some rain and snow at higher altitudes.

In fact, snowfall rarely occurs in the lowlands.

Winter temperatures usually stay above freezing but can be as cold as -5°C (23°F) at night.

Greece's climate depends on which region your working holiday takes you to.

Summer days are cool in mountainous regions, while nights can be chilly.

But in the wintertime, they can get quite cold!

Getting a SIM card and mobile plan in Greece

What are the options for getting a mobile plan in Greece?

There are three major carriers in Greece: Cosmote, Vodafone, and Nova.

Various prepaid plans have consecutive or renewable monthly top-ups of data or voice time.

You can easily find SIM cards at convenience stores and gas stations.

When you buy a SIM card from one of these providers, you'll need to register your official documentation (your passport).

What does a SIM card cost in Greece?

The price of SIM cards varies depending on the provider and deal you choose.

They generally cost €3-€5, but during promotional periods, they can be purchased for as little as €1.

What is the quality of service for mobile providers in Greece?

The quality of service across all Greek cellular networks is quite good.

3G and 4G networks well cover the significant population centers.

Nova aims to exceed 80% of 5G coverage by the end of 2024, while Vodafone expects to cover 70% of the Greek population by mid-2024.

The services tend to be weaker or unavailable outside urban areas, though.

But this may change over time as carrier investment increases in the coming years.

What's it like to live in Greece as a digital nomad?

Living in Greece is like a dream come true.

The country's incredible way of life, rich cultural heritage, delicious food, and amazing people create the perfect conditions for digital nomads.

Greece is known for its friendly and welcoming locals, making it easy for foreigners to settle in.

In many rural areas and smaller urban centers such as Ioannina, locals often invite foreigners to their homes for coffee or a meal or out with their families on weekends and holidays.

And in addition to this warm sense of hospitality from the community at large, you'll also find that the coworking spaces are highly sociable.

It's also worth noting that English speakers will feel right at home in most cities around Greece.

How is the food & drink scene in Greece?

Greece is a top destination for digital nomads when it comes to food and drink.

Ouzo, Feta cheese, hummus, olives… the list of delicious food and drink options in Greece is almost endless.

Greeks are also big wine drinkers.

This is hardly surprising considering how many great wines are available from all over Greece.

As you would expect from a nation that loves its food and drink so much, Greece has no shortage of restaurants and bars.

Another appealing aspect of Greek cuisine is that most dishes are made with fresh local ingredients, which means they are very healthy and tasty!

If you have diabetes or gluten intolerance, you will find plenty of options available to accommodate your dietary needs!

How is the nightlife scene as a digital nomad?

Nightlife in Greece is lively and fun.

Greek culture is focused on getting together with friends and family, which means the nightlife scene has something for everyone.

Many cozy bars with couches, candlelit restaurants, and late-night wine bars.

If you're looking to dance all night, plenty of nightclubs keep the party going until dawn.

In conclusion

Greece has much to offer digital nomads: gorgeous beaches, rich culture and history, great food and wine, friendly people, a Mediterranean climate, good infrastructure—including reliable internet coverage—and more.

If you are thinking of becoming a digital nomad, consider visiting or spending time working remotely in Greece.

It's a wonderful place to get away from it all, relax, recharge your batteries, and explore this beautiful country.

And if you choose Athens as your location, do get in touch with our team!

We'll be happy to provide you with quality housing in the best locations and at the most affordable prices.

The Little-Known Secret to the Perfect Erasmus Co-Living Experience

Erasmus's experience can be unforgettable.

And living in a co-living space during your Erasmus can be one of the most enriching aspects of your Erasmus experience...

But with the diverse backgrounds, cultures, and habits that each resident brings...

Establishing a harmonious living environment becomes challenging at times...

That's when a Community Code of Conduct becomes absolutely essential…

Because a well-thought-out code of conduct not only ensures respect and cooperation among residents... but also enhances the overall experience of living in a shared space!

In this essential article, we delve into the importance of a Community Code of Conduct.

Plus, we provide actionable insights to help you create and implement one in your co-living space!

By the end of this article, you'll be equipped with practical tips to foster a respectful and enjoyable living environment.


Let's get to it!

Why a Community Code of Conduct is Essential

A Community Code of Conduct serves as a set of guidelines that govern the behavior of residents within a co-living space.

Here are a few reasons why it's crucial:

  1. Promotes Respect and Understanding: A code of conduct helps set expectations for respectful behavior with residents coming from different cultural backgrounds.

  2. Reduces Conflicts: Clear guidelines help prevent misunderstandings and disputes, creating a peaceful living environment.

  3. Enhances Communication: Encourages open and honest communication among residents.

  4. Fosters a Sense of Belonging: Establishes a community feel, making everyone feel included and valued.

Creating a Community Code of Conduct: Key Elements

  1. Respect for Shared Spaces

    Shared spaces like kitchens, living rooms, and bathrooms are common areas that everyone uses. Maintaining cleanliness and orderliness in these areas is crucial to ensure everyone's comfort.

    Example: Implement a "clean as you go" policy where residents are expected to clean up after themselves immediately after using a shared space. For instance, after cooking, ensure the stove, countertops, and dishes are cleaned and put away.

  2. Noise Levels and Quiet Hours

    Noise can be a significant source of conflict in co-living spaces. Establishing quiet hours can help manage noise levels and ensure everyone can rest and study without disturbances.

    Example: Set quiet hours from 10 PM to 8 AM on weekdays. During these hours, residents should avoid playing loud music, hosting gatherings, or making excessive noise. They should also use headphones for late-night entertainment and keep phone conversations low.

  3. Guest Policy

    While having guests over is a part of social life, it's important to have a clear guest policy to ensure it doesn't inconvenience other residents.

    Example: Limit overnight guests to a specific number of nights per month and require residents to inform their roommates in advance. For instance, a policy might state, "Residents may have overnight guests for up to three nights a month, with prior notice to all roommates." Obviously, you must check with your landlord to ensure overnight guests are even allowed.

  4. Communication and Conflict Resolution

    Open and respectful communication is key to resolving conflicts. Encouraging residents to discuss issues openly can prevent small problems from escalating.

    Example: Introduce a monthly house meeting where residents can discuss any concerns or suggestions. Additionally, establish a conflict resolution protocol, such as, "If an issue arises, residents should first try to resolve it through discussion. If unsuccessful, involve a neutral third party to mediate."

  5. Personal Space and Privacy

    Respecting each other's personal space and privacy is fundamental in a shared living environment.

    Example: Establish guidelines such as knocking before entering someone's room and respecting closed doors. A rule might be, "Always knock and wait for a response before entering a roommate's room."

  6. Shared Responsibilities

    Equitably sharing household chores and responsibilities ensures that no single resident feels overburdened.

    Example: Create a rotating chore chart where tasks like taking out the trash, cleaning common areas, and restocking supplies are rotated weekly among residents. For example, "Week 1: Resident A cleans the kitchen, Resident B takes out the trash; Week 2: Switch roles."

  7. Substance Use Policy

    Substance use, including alcohol and smoking, can affect the comfort and safety of other residents.

    Example: Clearly define where and when substances can be used. For instance, "Smoking is allowed only in designated outdoor areas. Alcohol consumption should be moderate and respectful of others' comfort."

  8. Security Measures

    Ensuring the security of residents and their belongings is a top priority.

    Example: Implement security measures such as locking doors and windows and not sharing keys with non-residents. A guideline might be, "Always lock the main door when leaving the apartment, and do not duplicate keys without permission."

  9. Inclusive Behavior

    Fostering an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome and respected regardless of their background is essential for a harmonious community.

    Example: Encourage inclusive language and behavior and celebrate cultural diversity through events and activities. For instance, "Host cultural nights where residents share food, music, and traditions from their home countries."

  10. Sustainability Practices

Promoting eco-friendly practices within the community benefits both the environment and the residents.

Example: Implement recycling programs and encourage energy-saving habits. For example, "Recycle paper, plastic, and glass in the designated bins, and turn off lights and appliances when not in use."

Implementing the Code of Conduct

Creating a Community Code of Conduct is just the first step. Implementation is key to its success. Here are some tips:

  1. Involve All Residents: When drafting the code of conduct, involve all residents to ensure their concerns and suggestions are addressed. This increases buy-in and adherence to the guidelines.

  2. Document and Share: Clearly document the code of conduct and share it with all residents. Consider creating a digital copy accessible to everyone.

  3. Regular Reviews: Schedule regular reviews of the code of conduct to make necessary updates based on residents' feedback and evolving needs.

  4. Lead by Example: Encourage residents to lead by example. When everyone adheres to the guidelines, it sets a positive tone for the community.

  5. Encourage Open Communication: Foster an environment where residents feel comfortable discussing concerns or suggestions related to the code of conduct.


A well-established Community Code of Conduct is vital for creating a respectful and harmonious co-living environment.

By promoting mutual respect, clear communication, and shared responsibilities, you can ensure a positive and enriching living experience for all residents.

As you embark on your Erasmus journey, remember that a supportive and well-organized living space can significantly enhance your overall experience.

If you found these insights helpful and are looking for move-in-ready furnished apartments in Athens that prioritize a harmonious community living experience, check out our listings at Rooms Athens.

Our commitment to transparency, safety, and ongoing support ensures that your Erasmus stay is comfortable and memorable.

Bulletproof Your Erasmus Academic Success by Dipping Into the Power of Study Groups

Are you an Erasmus student eager to excel academically...while enjoying a vibrant community?

Give this article a thorough read!

Because we're about to blow the lid off one of the most effective tools to dazzle your professors...

You see...

Forming study groups within your co-living apartment is one powerful way to boost your academic success and foster meaningful connections!

So buckle up!

And explore:

  • why study groups are so effective

  • how to form them successfully

  • and the benefits they bring to your academic journey

Let's get started!

Understanding the Power of Study Groups

Study groups offer a dynamic and collaborative approach to learning.

Bring together individuals with diverse perspectives and knowledge... and expect the real magic to happen where:

  • members share ideas

  • concepts get clarified

  • and learning becomes a collective endeavor

This collaborative spirit not only enhances your understanding of course material...

But also strengthens your problem-solving and communication skills!


Forming a Study Group

Imagine you're an Erasmus student facing a challenging assignment in your economics course.

You decide to form a study group with fellow residents who excel in different areas of economics:

Some are strong in microeconomics, others in macroeconomics... and one is exceptionally skilled in statistical analysis.

During your study sessions, you discuss concepts, work through problems together, and share resources.

As a result, you gain a deeper understanding of the subject, clarify doubts, and develop a supportive network of peers.

Tips for Successful Study Group Formation

1. Identify Common Goals:

Crucial: ensure all study group members share similar academic goals. Plus, they are committed to collaborative learning!


Before forming the study group, hold a brief meeting to discuss each member's academic objectives and how they align with the group's goals.

2. Diverse Skill Sets:

Encourage diversity within the group...

You wouldn't need two of you working on the same thing, right?

Instead, include members with different strengths and expertise in various subject areas.


Let's say you're studying literature...

Invite members who excel in critical analysis, writing... and historical context to contribute their unique perspectives.

3. Establish Clear Roles:

Define roles within the study group... because without one, it might turn into chaotic mayhem!

For example:

A facilitator will lead discussions, a note-taker will record key points... and a timekeeper will ensure productivity.

The secret sauce:

Rotate roles during each study. This will ensure everyone has an opportunity to contribute and develop leadership skills.

4. Regular Meetings:

Schedule regular study group meetings...


More meetings?


If you want to maintain momentum and ensure consistent progress in understanding course material, that is...


Set a weekly meeting schedule that accommodates everyone's availability and preferences. Use online tools or apps to coordinate meeting times.

5. Active Participation:

Want to ensure active participation from all members?

Create an inclusive and supportive environment where everyone's contributions are valued!


During study sessions, ask open-ended questions.

And encourage discussions and provide opportunities for each member to share their insights.

6. Use Resources:

Use available resources to your advantage:

Enhance your study group sessions with textbooks, online tutorials, and study guides!


Create a shared online folder or document. The group members can upload helpful resources, notes, and study materials for easy access. One of the most awesome tools for that is Notion

7. Review and Reflect:

After each study session, remember to take time to review key concepts.

Notice any friction?

Clarify any misunderstandings and reflect on the effectiveness of the group's collaboration.


End each study session with a brief recap. Identify areas for further review or practice. And gather feedback from group members on the session's effectiveness.

8. Encourage Peer Support:

Build a culture of peer support and mentorship within the study group.

Which ensures members help each other overcome challenges and celebrate successes.


Create a supportive environment. The members must feel comfortable asking questions, seeking clarification... and offering help to their peers!


We've covered some ground... and now let's look at the...

Benefits of Study Groups in Co-Living Apartments!

Enhanced Understanding:

Gain a deeper understanding of course material through collaborative discussions and shared insights

Improved Retention:

Retain a lot more information. How? By actively learning and reinforcing key concepts through teaching others

Elevated Problem-Solving Skills:

Tackling complex problems as a group and exploring diverse perspectives is fun. Plus, it helps develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills!

Boosted Motivation:

Encouragement of your peers helps you stay motivated and focused on your academic goals.

Powerful Connections:

Create meaningful connections and friendships with fellow residents. A supportive network is a huge boost for academic and personal growth.

In conclusion:

Forming study groups within your co-living environment can significantly enhance your academic success and overall learning experience.

By leveraging the diverse skills, perspectives, and support of your study group members, you'll not only deepen your understanding of course material but also build valuable connections and skills that extend beyond the classroom!

And if you found these tips helpful, we invite you to explore our listings.

We designed our co-living apartments to support your academic journey and foster a vibrant community!

Happy studying!

Unlocking Athens: A Guide to Local Excursion Opportunities for Erasmus Students

Hey Erasmus traveler,

Welcome to Athens!

A city steeped in history, culture, and vibrant experiences... all waiting for you to discover!

As an Erasmus student on your academic journey here... you shouldn't limit your time to just the classroom...

Athens offers a treasure trove of local excursions and sightseeing tours!

Each will enrich your Erasmus experience and take you one step closer to understanding this ancient yet modern city...

In this guide, we'll take you on a virtual tour of some must-visit places...

Plus, you'll get some actionable tips for making the most of your local excursions...

Exploring the Acropolis and Ancient Agora

No visit to Athens is complete without marveling at the Acropolis... the iconic symbol of ancient Greek civilization...

Start your excursion with a guided tour of the Acropolis...

You'll discover the Parthenon, Erechtheion, and other architectural wonders that have stood the test of time...

Learn about the rich history and mythology surrounding these ancient ruins.

And don't forget to capture breathtaking views of Athens from the Acropolis hill!

Actionable Tip:

You can buy a combined ticket for the Acropolis + 6 Archaeological Sites... with a Multilingual Audio Guide! Get it HERE

Remember to wear comfortable walking shoes and carry a water bottle to stay hydrated during your tour...

Delving into Greek Mythology at the National Archaeological Museum

Immerse yourself in the world of Greek mythology at the National Archaeological Museum!

You'll enjoy artifacts and sculptures that tell captivating stories of gods, heroes, and ancient civilizations...

You can take a guided tour or explore at your own pace...

Admire treasures like the Mask of Agamemnon and the Antikythera Mechanism!

Actionable Tip:

Plan your visit during off-peak hours to avoid crowds and maximize your experience. For detailed explanations of exhibits, use audio guides or mobile apps.

Discovering Hidden Gems in Plaka and Anafiotika

Step into the charming neighborhoods of Plaka and Anafiotika...

Explore its narrow streets, neoclassical buildings, and cozy tavernas...

Wander through cobblestone paths lined with bougainvillea...

Get surprised with quaint shops selling handmade crafts and souvenirs...

Stop for a traditional Greek coffee or meze plate at a local taverna... and soak in the authentic atmosphere...

Actionable Tip:

Join a walking tour led by local guides...

Uncover hidden gems and learn fascinating stories about Plaka's history and culture...

Don't be afraid to explore side streets and alleyways for unique finds.

Embarking on a Culinary Journey at Athens Central Market

For food enthusiasts, a visit to Athens Central Market, also known as Varvakios Agora, is a sensory delight.

Stroll through bustling aisles filled with fresh produce, seafood, meats, and aromatic spices.

Engage with vendors to learn about Greek culinary traditions...

Sample local specialties like feta cheese and olives...

Actionable Tip:

Join a food tour of Athens to taste a variety of Greek delicacies...

Gain insights into traditional cooking techniques...

Take notes on ingredients and recipes to recreate dishes at home or in your co-living kitchen.

Exploring Coastal Beauty at Cape Sounion

Tired of the city hustle and bustle?

Escape with a day trip to Cape Sounion, located along the Athenian Riviera!

Visit the ancient Temple of Poseidon perched atop a cliff...

The panoramic views of the Aegean Sea will blow your mind!

Take leisurely walks along the coastline...

Bask in the natural beauty and tranquility of this scenic spot...

Actionable Tip:

Plan your visit to Cape Sounion in the late afternoon to witness a mesmerizing sunset over the sea...

And bring a camera to capture postcard-worthy moments...

Conclusion and Invitation

Athens is a city of endless exploration...

Each excursion unveils layers of history, culture, and beauty...

Whether you're delving into ancient ruins, savoring local cuisine, or immersing yourself in neighborhood charm...

Every experience adds depth to your Erasmus journey!

And as you plan your local excursions...

Consider the convenience and comfort of Rooms Athens' furnished co-living apartments...

Our central locations and supportive community ensure a memorable and enriching stay...

Explore our listings and book your ideal accommodation today...

And unlock the best of Athens with ease...

Happy exploring!

Easter in Greece: Immerse Yourself in Timeless Traditions

Step into the enchanting world of Easter in Greece...

Enjoy ancient traditions and vibrant celebrations come together to create a magical experience...

Whether you're planning a holiday getaway, embarking on a study abroad adventure, or moving to Greece for a new work opportunity...

Greek Easter will create "forever" memories...

And offer a journey filled with rich customs, mouthwatering delights, and heartfelt moments.

Read on as we delve into the essence of Greek Easter...

We invite you to savor every moment of this cultural celebration!

Discover the Soul-Stirring Midnight Service:

Imagine the moonlit sky casting a soft glow...

You slowly approach a centuries-old church on Holy Saturday...

The air is thick with anticipation and reverence...

Candles flicker in the hands of faithful worshippers...

Inside, the ancient walls echo with beautiful hymns, transporting you to a realm where time seems to stand still...

The moment arrives—the Resurrection is announced!!!

Joy erupts in a chorus of voices, filling your heart with a sense of renewal and spiritual connection.

Indulge in Traditional Easter Delights:

Close your eyes and breathe in the tantalizing scents from the Greek kitchens...

Imagine the warmth of freshly baked Tsoureki...

And its golden crust shimmering with hints of cinnamon and orange zest...

The soft texture and sweet aroma capture your senses as you break into a slice, leaving you craving more…

Now pair it with vibrant red eggs, dyed with care and symbolizing the triumph of life over death... and you're immersed in a culinary journey steeped in tradition and symbolism.

Experience Regional Marvels:

Ever heard of Corfu's Botides Tradition?

Picture yourself on the enchanting Greek island of Corfu...

The place where centuries-old customs come to life on Holy Saturday...

Balconies adorned with flowers overlook the bustling streets below...

And everything is ready for a spectacle known as "botides"…

As night falls, locals gather on balconies...

Their laughter mingling with the melodious tunes of an orchestra...

With a joyful shout, large clay pots filled with water are hurled into the air, crashing onto the cobblestone streets below...

The echoes of this vibrant tradition resonate through the night... symbolizing the banishment of darkness and the heralding of a new season.

Embrace Acts of Generosity:

Imagine the heartwarming scene of a bustling Easter market...

Filled with colorful stalls and joyful chatter amidst the festivities...

You find yourself volunteering at a charity event, extending a helping hand to those in need...

The smiles of gratitude and the warmth of shared blessings create an atmosphere of unity and compassion...

And as you connect with locals and fellow travelers, you realize...

Easter is about celebration, giving back, and fostering meaningful connections.

Explore Greece's Cultural Treasures and Hidden Gems:

Envision wandering through ancient streets adorned with vibrant decorations...

Each corner is steeped in history and tradition...

Discover hidden chapels tucked away in picturesque villages…

Their walls are adorned with centuries-old frescoes depicting scenes of Easter's significance…

Join in lively village festivities, where traditional dances and music echo through the cobblestone alleys...

As you immerse yourself in Greece's cultural tapestry, every step becomes a journey of discovery and wonder.


As the festivities of Greek Easter unfold, let yourself be swept away by the beauty of timeless traditions and heartfelt moments…

Whether you're marveling at regional customs, savoring delectable treats, or immersing yourself in the warmth of community, Greek Easter promises an experience like no other…

Embrace the magic of Greek culture and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime…

Make this Easter an unforgettable experience!

Erasmus Students' Guide to Communal Dining in Athens' Co-Living Spaces

Ever felt lonely while studying abroad... wishing for friends and a sense of belonging?

Imagine sitting around a table with different dishes, laughing with new friends, and feeling like you belong.

That's what communal dining is all about.

And in this guide, we'll show you how communal meals can make your Erasmus experience unforgettable.

Plus, we'll give you practical tips for hosting them in your co-living space.

Let's dive in!

The Power of Communal Dining:

Communal dining is more than just sharing a meal.

It's about making connections and feeling like you're part of a community.

Think of it as a chance to sit down, relax, and enjoy good food with good company.

Just picture cooking a meal with your roommates.

Then, sitting down together to eat.

As you share stories and laughter... you start to feel like you're part of a family away from home!

Breaking Down Barriers:

Communal dining breaks down social barriers and makes everyone feel welcome.

It's a chance to connect with people from different backgrounds and cultures... all while enjoying delicious food together!

Imagine sitting down to dinner with people from all over the world.

As you pass around dishes and share stories, you realize that food truly is a universal language that brings people together.

Creating Shared Experiences:

Shared meals create memories that last a lifetime.

Whether celebrating birthdays or just gathering for a weekly dinner, these shared experiences bring people closer together and create a sense of community.

Imagine hosting a potluck dinner with your roommates.

Everyone brings a dish from their home country, and you spend the evening sampling different cuisines and learning about each other's cultures.

Tips for Organizing Communal Dinners:

Set a regular schedule for communal dinners to establish a routine.

Create a sign-up sheet to coordinate who cooks each week and what dishes they prepare.

Encourage diversity by asking residents to share recipes from their home countries.

Keep the atmosphere relaxed and informal to encourage participation from all flatmates.

Consider dietary restrictions when planning meals to ensure inclusivity.

Rotate cooking and cleaning responsibilities among flatmates to share the workload evenly.

Pair communal dinners with activities like game nights or movie screenings to enhance the experience.


Let's say you and your roommates decide to host a weekly "International Dinner Night."

You create a sign-up sheet where each person selects a country and commits to preparing a dish from that cuisine.

On the designated night, you gather in the communal kitchen to cook together before sitting down to enjoy your culinary creations.


Communal dining is a simple yet powerful way to build connections and create a sense of belonging in your co-living space.

By embracing diversity, breaking down barriers, and creating shared experiences, you can turn your meals into meaningful moments that bring you closer to your roommates and make your Erasmus experience unforgettable.

So why not start planning your next communal dinner?

It could be the beginning of lifelong friendships and unforgettable memories.

And if you're looking for a co-living space in Athens where communal dining is encouraged, check out our listings at Rooms Athens.

Join us and experience the joy of shared meals in a supportive and inclusive environment!

How To Survive In the Urban Jungle: Essential Personal Safety Tips for Erasmus Students in Athens

As an Erasmus student in Athens, rest assured:

You'll enjoy great food, historical landmarks, and lively nightlife.

But where does Athens rank in terms of personal safety?

The short answer is... Athens is considered one of the safest capitals in the world.

Still... it's crucial to focus on your personal safety amidst the hustle and bustle of city life. 

And while exploring new cultures and making lifelong memories...

It's essential to stay vigilant and prepared. 

In this comprehensive guide, we'll share practical tips for safely navigating the urban jungle of Athens...

... to ensure your Erasmus experience is not only enriching but also secure.


Read on!

Get To Know Your Surroundings:

Before venturing out, take time to familiarize yourself with your neighborhood.

Walk around during daylight hours. Identify landmarks, emergency services, and safe routes to and from your accommodation.

Trust Your Gut:

Trust your instincts and remove yourself from the situation if something feels off.

Whether it's a dimly lit street or a group of strangers... always prioritize your safety over any social obligations.

Stay on the Radar:

Keep your phone fully charged and have emergency contacts stored.

Share your whereabouts with trusted friends.

Especially if you're venturing out alone or exploring unfamiliar areas!

Mind Your Belongings:

Use a crossbody bag or a backpack with zipper closures to secure your valuables.

Avoid flashing expensive items such as smartphones or cameras in crowded areas.

Use Reliable Transportation:

Use licensed taxis rather than accepting rides from unknown individuals.

Verify the identity of your driver. And share your trip details with someone you trust before getting into the vehicle.

Stay Sober and Alert:

While enjoying the nightlife in Athens, moderate your alcohol consumption and stay alert.

Avoid accepting drinks from strangers. Plus, always keep an eye on your beverage to prevent tampering.

Practice Safe Socializing:

Attending social gatherings or parties?

Inform a friend of your plans and establish a check-in time.

Stick together with a group of trusted friends. And always choose a sober buddy to ensure everyone gets home safely.

Be Cautious of Scams:

Stay vigilant against common scams targeting tourists and newcomers.

Avoid engaging with persistent street vendors or individuals offering unsolicited services.

Trustworthy businesses will have clear signage and professional conduct.

Seek Local Advice:

Don't hesitate to ask locals for safety tips and recommendations.

They can provide valuable insights into avoiding potential risks or dangerous areas.

In conclusion…

By using these safety tips in your daily routine, you can confidently explore Athens.

Go ahead and immerse yourself in the vibrant culture while prioritizing your well-being.

And remember:

Your safety is paramount, and proactive measures ensure a fulfilling Erasmus experience.

Find this guide helpful?


We invite you to explore our furnished and equipped co-living apartments in Athens... where your safety and comfort are our top priorities!

Stay safe, stay informed, and make the most of your time in Athens!

The Power of Clear Communication Channels in Your Housing Experience

Dear Friend,

Abraham Lincoln once said, "You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today."

And for students like you, it might be not just about having a roof over your head.

It's about feeling secure, comfortable, and heard.

That being said...

Let's explore the importance of clear communication channels in your housing experience and how it can make a world of difference during your Erasmus journey in Athens.

Why Clear Communication Matters:

Imagine this scenario: You've just moved into your new apartment in Athens.

You notice a leaky faucet in the bathroom and a flickering light in the hallway.

Without clear communication channels, addressing these issues could turn into a frustrating ordeal.

However, with open lines of communication, you can easily reach out to your housing provider or property manager to get these problems resolved promptly.


Let's say you discover the leaky faucet.

Instead of ignoring it or attempting to fix it yourself, you decide to reach out to your housing provider through their designated communication channel.

In the case of Rooms Athens, it's a designated app.

Email or phone number works, too.

Within hours, a maintenance team arrives at your doorstep, fixes the faucet, and ensures everything is in working order.

This seamless process not only resolves the issue swiftly but also leaves you feeling valued and supported as a resident.

Tips for Effective Communication:

  1. Know Your Communication Options:

    Familiarize yourself with the different communication channels available to you, such as email, phone, messaging apps, or dedicated online platforms.

    Choose the one that suits your preferences and needs best.

    • Example:

      • Upon moving into your new apartment, take the time to explore the communication options provided by your housing provider.

        Whether it's a mobile app with a built-in messaging feature or a dedicated email address for maintenance requests, knowing your options empowers you to communicate effectively.

  2. Be Clear and Concise:

    When reaching out to your housing provider, be specific about the issue or concern you're facing.

    Provide details such as the location of the problem, its severity, and any steps you've already taken to address it.

    • Example:

      • Instead of simply stating, "There's a problem with the faucet," provide additional information like, "The faucet in the bathroom is leaking steadily, and I've tried turning off the water supply valve underneath the sink, but the leak persists."

  3. Follow Up if Necessary:

    If you haven't received a response within a reasonable timeframe, don't hesitate to follow up.

    Sometimes, communication channels can get busy, or messages may be overlooked, so a gentle reminder can help ensure your issue is addressed promptly.

    • Example:

      • If a day has passed since you submitted your maintenance request and you haven't heard back, consider sending a polite follow-up message.

        You can say something like, "I just wanted to follow up on my previous message regarding the leaky faucet. Is there any update on when it will be fixed?"

  4. Provide Feedback:

    Whether your experience with communication channels has been positive or not, don't hesitate to provide feedback to your housing provider.

    This helps them understand what's working well and where improvements can be made.

    • Example:

      • After the maintenance team fixes the faucet in your apartment, take a moment to send a quick thank-you message or leave a positive review on the housing provider's platform.

        Alternatively, if you encounter any challenges with communication or maintenance, share your feedback constructively to help them improve their services.


Clear communication channels play a crucial role in ensuring a positive housing experience during your time in Athens.

By knowing your options, being clear and concise in your communications, following up when necessary, and providing feedback, you can navigate any housing-related issues with confidence and ease.

Remember, your voice matters, and a responsive housing provider will prioritize your needs, making your Erasmus journey all the more enjoyable.

If you found these tips helpful and are looking for a hassle-free housing solution in Athens, we invite you to explore our listings at Rooms Athens.

With transparent communication channels and dedicated support, we're here to make your Erasmus experience unforgettable.

Discover the Erasmus Housing Solution Athens Doesn't Want You to Know About

Dear Friend,

Are you tired of the endless search for suitable Erasmus housing in Athens?

Are you settling for less, compromising on comfort and convenience just to find an affordable place to stay?

It's time to stop the struggle and start thriving in Athens with the ultimate solution to your housing woes.

The Myth of Ordinary Erasmus Housing

Let's debunk the myth that all Erasmus housing is the same.

Not all accommodations are created equal, and settling for mediocre housing shouldn't be the norm.

Rooms Athens is here to challenge the status quo and offer a superior housing experience that goes beyond expectations.

Elevate Your Erasmus Experience

Why settle for less when you can have it all?

Rooms Athens provides move-in-ready apartments designed specifically for Erasmus students.

Our apartments are spacious, fully furnished, and equipped with everything you need to live comfortably.

Say goodbye to cramped spaces and subpar amenities – it's time to elevate your living standards in Athens.

Hassle-Free Living Made Easy

Say goodbye to complicated rental processes and hidden fees.

At Rooms Athens, we believe in transparency and simplicity.

Our easy three-step booking process ensures that you can secure your dream apartment without any hassle or surprises.

Plus, with our all-inclusive rent, you'll never have to worry about additional costs.

Testimonials From Satisfied Students

"Rooms Athens has truly exceeded my expectations. The apartment is modern, spacious, and conveniently located near my university. The all-inclusive rent makes budgeting easy, and I love being part of such a vibrant community." - Maria, Erasmus Student

"I can't imagine my Erasmus experience without Rooms Athens. The apartment feels like home, and the amenities are fantastic. It's been a game-changer for me, allowing me to focus on my studies and enjoy my time in Athens." - Stefan, Erasmus Student

Future Pace Your Erasmus Journey

Imagine waking up in your spacious, fully furnished apartment, ready to tackle the day ahead.

Picture yourself studying in peace, surrounded by like-minded individuals who share your goals and aspirations.

With Rooms Athens, this dream can become a reality. Don't settle for ordinary – choose Rooms Athens and elevate your Erasmus experience to new heights.

Act Now Before It's Too Late!

Rooms Athens is popular among Erasmus students, and apartments are filling up fast.

Don't miss out on your chance to upgrade your Erasmus experience.

Check out our available apartments and secure your spot today.

Unlock a special limited-time discount with code ERASMUSLUXE and experience the difference with Rooms Athens.

Don't settle for mediocre housing – choose excellence and thrive during your Erasmus journey in Athens.

Don't let the myth of ordinary Erasmus housing hold you back.

Experience the difference with Rooms Athens and discover a new standard of excellence in student living.

Act now and make your Erasmus year unforgettable with Rooms Athens.

Ultimate Guide to Travel Planning for Erasmus Students: Explore Nearby Destinations Stress-Free

One of the most thrilling parts of Erasmus's experience in Athens is going on adventures to nearby destinations.

But as exciting as it sounds… dealing with the complexities of travel planning can sometimes be daunting.

Fear not!

In this comprehensive guide tailored for Erasmus students like you, we'll share actionable insights and tips to streamline your travel planning process.

Keep reading to ensure you make the most of your time.

Research Your Destinations:

Begin your journey by researching your desired destinations.

Check travel blogs, guidebooks, and online resources to uncover hidden gems, cultural attractions, local cuisines, transportation options, and safety tips.

For example, if you're planning a weekend getaway to the picturesque island of Santorini, research must-visit spots like the iconic Oia for stunning sunsets and quaint tavernas for delectable Greek dishes.

Create a Travel Budget:

Crafting a realistic travel budget is vital to avoid financial stress during your adventures.

Calculate anticipated expenses for accommodation, transportation, meals, activities, and souvenirs.

Utilize budgeting apps or spreadsheets to track your expenditures and ensure you stay within your budgetary limits.

For instance, allocate funds for a guided tour of the ancient city of Epidauru to explore its historical theater and healing sanctuary.

Plan Your Itinerary:

Crafting a well-thought-out itinerary is key to maximizing your travel time and experiences.

Outline a detailed daily plan, including transportation schedules, sightseeing activities, dining options, and leisure time for relaxation or spontaneous exploration.

Leverage travel apps like Google Maps to navigate unfamiliar cities efficiently and optimize your time.

For example, plan a day trip from Athens to the ancient archaeological site of Delphi to learn about Greece's rich history and mythology.

Pack Smart:

Packing efficiently and thoughtfully can significantly enhance your travel experience.

Prioritize essentials such as travel documents, weather-appropriate clothing, toiletries, medications, and electronic devices with chargers.

Consider packing light to avoid cumbersome baggage and leave room for souvenirs.

Utilize packing organizers or cubes to keep your belongings tidy and accessible.

For instance, pack a reusable water bottle and healthy snacks for sustained energy during your explorations.

Prioritize Safety:

Ensuring your safety and well-being while traveling is crucial!

Stay vigilant and aware of your surroundings, and avoid risky areas, especially at night.

Familiarize yourself with emergency contact numbers, addresses of local authorities, and embassy or consulate information.

Share your travel itinerary with a trusted friend or family member and keep them updated on your whereabouts.

For added security and peace of mind, carry a portable charger, a photocopy of your passport, and travel insurance details.

Immerse Yourself in Local Culture:

One of the most enriching aspects of travel is immersing yourself in the local culture.

Embrace opportunities to attend cultural events, try authentic cuisines, and engage with locals.

Learn basic phrases in the local language to facilitate communication and demonstrate respect for the culture.

For example, enroll in a Greek cooking class to master traditional dishes like moussaka or souvlaki and savor the flavors of Greece.

Optimize Transportation:

Opt for cost-effective transportation options such as public buses, trains, or carpooling services to minimize travel expenses.

Research student discounts, transportation passes, or tourist cards that offer reduced fares or added perks.

Leverage mobile apps for public transportation schedules, route planning, and ticket purchases.

For example, the Athens City Pass provides convenient access to public transport and discounted entry to museums and attractions.

Seek Recommendations:

Tap into the wealth of knowledge and experiences shared by fellow travelers, locals, and online communities.

Seek recommendations for hidden gems, off-the-beaten-path attractions, authentic dining spots, and cultural experiences.

Engage with travel forums, social media groups, and local guides to gain insider insights and tips.

For example, ask for recommendations on a quaint family-owned taverna in Crete known for its warm hospitality and traditional cuisine.

Embrace Spontaneity:

While meticulous planning is essential, leave room for spontaneity and serendipitous discoveries during your travels.

Be open to unexpected adventures, impromptu activities, and chance encounters with locals.

Embrace the freedom to deviate from your itinerary and follow your curiosity.

For example, for a truly authentic experience, wander through vibrant local markets, stumble upon hidden art galleries, or join spontaneous street performances.

Reflect and Share Your Experiences:

After each journey, take time to reflect on your experiences, memorable moments, and lessons learned.

Keep a travel journal or blog to document your adventures, share travel tips, and inspire fellow Erasmus students.

Capture and share your favorite travel moments on social media platforms to connect with like-minded travelers and showcase the beauty of your destinations.


By incorporating these actionable insights and tips into your travel planning process, you can embark on unforgettable adventures, immerse yourself in diverse cultures, and create cherished memories during your Erasmus journey.

Remember to stay organized, prioritize safety, embrace cultural experiences, and remain open to spontaneous discoveries.

If you found this guide helpful, explore our listings for move-in-ready furnished apartments in Athens to elevate your study abroad experience.

Bon voyage and happy travels!

The Essential Guide to Understanding Lease Agreements: Ensuring Transparency and Clarity

For Erasmus students coming to Athens, finding suitable accommodation is paramount.

But often, the rental process can be daunting.

Especially when faced with complex lease agreements.

Fear not!

We'll delve into the importance of clarity and transparency in lease agreements.

So, read on...

And discover valuable insights into this crucial aspect of securing your new home.

Why Lease Agreement Clarity Matters:

First, let's understand why clarity and transparency are essential.

A lease agreement is a binding contract between you (the tenant) and the landlord.

It outlines the terms and conditions of your tenancy, including:

  • lease duration

  • rent payments

  • maintenance responsibilities... and more

Ensuring clarity in your lease agreement is crucial for several reasons:

Legal Protection:

A clear and concise lease agreement provides legal protection for both parties and minimizes the risk of disputes or misunderstandings later on.


Imagine you're renting a studio apartment. The lease agreement specifies that rent includes utilities.

Yet, upon receiving your rent invoice, you notice extra charges not mentioned in the lease.

This discrepancy could lead to confusion and potential disputes.

A clear lease agreement would have clearly outlined what utilities are covered.

Which would have prevented any misunderstandings.

Understanding Your Rights and Responsibilities:

Clearly, stated tenancy terms empower you to understand your rights and responsibilities as a tenant.


Your lease agreement includes a clause about maintenance responsibilities.

And the lease states that minor repairs are your responsibility... while major repairs are the landlord's responsibility.

With this clarity, you know precisely what to expect and can address any maintenance issues accordingly.

Building Trust and Confidence:

Transparent lease agreements build trust and confidence between tenants and landlords, fostering a positive and harmonious rental experience.


Your lease agreement includes a detailed move-in inspection checklist.

The lease also allows you to document any pre-existing damages to the property.

This transparency demonstrates the landlord's commitment to fair practices, instilling confidence in your decision.

Tips for Ensuring Lease Agreement Clarity:

Now that we understand the importance of lease agreement clarity... let's explore some practical tips for ensuring transparency in your rental process.

Read and Understand the Entire Agreement:

Before signing:

Take the time to read and understand every clause and provision of the lease agreement.

Pay close attention to key terms such as:

  • rent amount

  • lease duration

  • security deposit

  • maintenance responsibilities

  • and any additional fees or charges


Your lease agreement specifies a pet policy. It outlines restrictions or extra fees associated with keeping pets on the property.

By thoroughly reviewing this section, you can ensure compliance with the terms... and avoid potential penalties.

Seek Clarification on Ambiguous Terms:

Don't hesitate to seek clarification on unclear or ambiguous terms or provisions.

Contact your landlord or property manager. Ask for clarification to ensure you fully understand your obligations.


The lease agreement includes a clause on subletting. But the language could be more precise.

You contact your landlord to clarify the subletting process... and any associated restrictions.

Which ensures compliance with the terms of the agreement and saves you penalties.

Document Any Amendments in Writing:

If you and your landlord agree to any amendments or modifications to the lease agreement, document them in writing.

Plus, have both parties sign and date the revised agreement!

This helps avoid misunderstandings and ensures that both parties are in agreement.


Your lease agreement stipulates a 12-month term, but you and your landlord agree to extend it for six months.

You draft a written amendment outlining the revised lease term to formalize this extension.

And you and your landlord sign.

Keep Copies of Important Documents:

Make copies of your lease agreement and any related documents, such as:

  • move-in inspection reports

  • receipts for rent payments

  • and correspondence with your landlord

Keep these documents in a safe and accessible place for reference.


You keep digital and physical copies of your lease agreement, move-in inspection checklist, and rent payment receipts in a designated folder for easy access.

This organized approach ensures you have the necessary documentation on hand if needed.


Navigating the rental process as an Erasmus student can be overwhelming

However, ensuring clarity and transparency in your lease agreement can reduce stress and provide peace of mind.

By understanding the importance of lease agreement clarity and following these practical tips, you can go on your rental journey... knowing your rights and responsibilities are clearly defined.

At Rooms Athens, we focus on transparency and clarity to ensure our tenants a positive and rewarding rental experience.

If you found this guide helpful, we invite you to explore our listings and discover your perfect home away from home.

What is all-inclusive Erasmus housing by Rooms Athens?

The Ultimate Guide to All-Inclusive Rentals…

Finding suitable Erasmus accommodation in Athens can be overwhelming.

Even more so is when hidden costs threaten to derail your budget!

Understanding the concept of all-inclusive rent can help you to take control of your finances.

Introduced by Rooms Athens over a decade ago, all-inclusive Erasmus housing has made renting a breeze.

And in this comprehensive guide, we'll delve deep into the world of transparent pricing.

Read on so you can make informed decisions... and enjoy a stress-free living experience in Athens.

Understanding All-Inclusive Rent:

Bundling essential utilities and amenities into a single, transparent fee... all-inclusive rental revolutionized the rental experience.

Instead of worrying about separate bills for electricity, water, internet, and other services... tenants pay one comprehensive price.

Which provides financial predictability and peace of mind.


Consider renting a cozy studio apartment in the heart of Athens.

With all-inclusive rent, your monthly rent covers not only the cost of the apartment but also utilities like electricity, water, and internet access.

Additionally, your rent includes access to communal amenities such as laundry facilities and a study lounge.

Benefits of All-Inclusive Rates:

Budget Control:

All-inclusive rent empowers you to manage your finances effectively by clearly understanding your monthly expenses.

With no hidden costs or surprises, you can confidently allocate funds to other essentials like groceries, transportation, and leisure activities.


Let's say your monthly rent and utilities budget is €500.

With all-inclusive rates, you know exactly how much you'll be paying each month, allowing you to plan your expenditures precisely and avoid financial strain.

Simplified Payments:

Say goodbye to the hassle of juggling multiple bills from different service providers.

With all-inclusive rates, you make a single payment to your landlord or property management company, streamlining the payment process and saving time and effort.


Instead of receiving separate invoices for electricity, water, and internet services, you receive one comprehensive bill detailing your total monthly rent.

This simplified payment structure eliminates the need for multiple transactions, making budgeting a breeze.

Transparency and Clarity:

Transparency is key when it comes to rental agreements.

All-inclusive rents promote transparency by clearly outlining what is included in your rent, ensuring there are no hidden fees or ambiguous charges.


Your rental contract explicitly states the utilities and amenities covered by the all-inclusive rate, leaving no room for confusion or misunderstanding.

This transparency gives you confidence in your financial obligations and fosters trust between you and your landlord.

Tips for Finding All-Inclusive Accommodation:

Conduct Thorough Research:

Start your search for accommodation by focusing on properties that offer all-inclusive rates.

Use online rental platforms, consult local real estate agents, and ask fellow students for recommendations.


Companies like Rooms Athens specialize in furnished apartments with transparent pricing, making it easy to find all-inclusive accommodation tailored to your needs and preferences.

Take advantage of these resources to streamline your search process.

Review the Fine Print:

Before signing a lease agreement, review the terms and conditions regarding all-inclusive rates.

Pay close attention to any exclusions or limitations that may impact your budget.


Take the time to read through the rental contract provided by your landlord or property management company.

Look for clauses related to additional charges, late fees, or changes in utility usage policies.

Ask Questions:

Don't hesitate to seek clarification on any aspects of the all-inclusive rate that are unclear to you.

Ask about the specific utilities and amenities covered and any provisions for adjustments or disputes.


Reach out to your landlord or property manager with any questions or concerns you may have regarding the all-inclusive rate.

Request detailed information about the included services and their associated costs to ensure you have a comprehensive understanding.

Evaluate Value for Money:

All-inclusive rates offer convenience and predictability.

But it's essential to assess the overall value of the accommodation in relation to the price being charged.

Consider factors such as location, amenities, and quality of service.


Compare the all-inclusive rates of different properties with similar features and locations.

Look beyond the rental price to evaluate the value proposition, weighing the benefits of included amenities against the cost of rent.


Mastering your budget as an Erasmus student in Athens begins with understanding the power of all-inclusive rentals.

By embracing transparent pricing and following our tips for finding all-inclusive accommodation, you can take control of your finances and enjoy a worry-free living experience.

At Rooms Athens, we offer move-in-ready furnished apartments with all-inclusive rates, ensuring a seamless and budget-friendly rental experience for students like you.

Check out our listings today and embark on your Erasmus journey with confidence!

Navigating Privacy in Shared Spaces: Finding Balance in Co-Living

Hey there, Erasmus adventurers!

Today, let's talk about a biggie: privacy in shared spaces.

Living with others can be a rollercoaster, right?

But fear not!

We're here to help you find that sweet spot between sharing and personal space, ensuring your co-living experience in Athens is nothing short of amazing!

Understanding the Concerns:

Let's kick things off by addressing the elephant in the room: privacy.

Living with roommates can be awesome, but it also comes with its challenges.

We all want our space to unwind and recharge, but we also crave connection and community.

It's all about finding the right balance.

Creating Personal Zones:

Okay, picture this: your own little sanctuary within your shared living space.

Whether it's a cozy corner in the common area or your bedroom transformed into a peaceful retreat, having a designated spot that's uniquely yours can make all the difference.

It's like having your own slice of paradise in the midst of communal living chaos!

Establishing Clear Boundaries:

Now, let's talk boundaries.

Communication is key, folks!

Sit down with your roomies and hash out some ground rules.

Set expectations for noise levels, guest policies, and shared responsibilities.

Trust us, a little upfront communication can go a long way in preventing misunderstandings and conflicts down the road.

Respecting Each Other's Space:

Here's a golden rule for co-living: respect.

Treat your roommates' space with the same courtesy you'd want for yours.

Knock before entering, keep the noise down during quiet hours, and always ask before borrowing anything.

It's all about fostering a culture of mutual respect and consideration.

Using Tech for Privacy:

Ah, technology, our trusty sidekick!

Embrace the power of tech to streamline communication and protect personal privacy.

From messaging apps to shared calendars, there are plenty of digital tools designed to make co-living a breeze.

So go ahead, fire up that group chat, and start coordinating like a pro!

Finding Solitude Outside:

Last but not least…

Don't forget to carve out some "me time" outside the confines of your shared living space.

Whether it's exploring the city solo, hitting up your favorite café for a study session, or simply taking a leisurely stroll through the park, finding moments of solitude and independence is essential for maintaining your sanity amidst the hustle and bustle of communal living.

In Conclusion:

So there you have it, folks – a crash course in navigating privacy in shared spaces.

By creating personal zones, establishing clear boundaries, respecting each other's space, utilizing technology wisely, and finding solitude outside the home, you can strike the perfect balance between communal living and personal privacy.

And if you're on the lookout for a cozy co-living spot in Athens…look no further than Rooms Athens.

Our move-in-ready apartments are designed to provide a perfect blend of communal living and personal space, ensuring you feel right at home during your Erasmus adventure in Athens.

Happy co-living, everyone!

Budgeting for a Stress-Free Erasmus: 10 Tips to Keep Your Wallet Happy

Hey there, Erasmus explorers!

Ready to conquer Athens without breaking the bank?

Let's dive into some wallet-saving wisdom to make sure your cash stays where it belongs – in your pocket!

1. Know Your Cash Flow:

Think of your wallet as a lazy river – money flows in, money flows out.

Keep tabs on your income and expenses to avoid getting caught in a financial whirlpool.

Action Level: Calculate your monthly stipend, part-time job earnings, and any other income sources.

Then, track your spending on essentials like rent, groceries, and transportation to see where your money is going.

Additional Example: Use budgeting apps like Mint or PocketGuard to automate tracking your expenses, giving you a clearer picture of your cash flow.

2. Make Friends with Budgeting:

Budgeting is like veggies – not always fun, but essential for a healthy financial diet.

Whip up a budget that's as tasty as it is practical, and watch your finances flourish.

Actionable Advice: Create a spreadsheet or use a budgeting app to outline your monthly income and expenses.

Allocate specific amounts to different categories like rent, groceries, and entertainment.

Additional Example: Consider using the "50/30/20" rule, allocating 50% of your income to needs, 30% to wants, and 20% to savings or debt repayment.

3. Track Your Spending Like a Hawk:

Money has a sneaky way of disappearing when you're not looking.

Keep an eye on your spending to spot any cash-hungry culprits trying to sneak into your wallet.

Actionable Advice: Keep receipts or use a budgeting app to record every purchase you make.

At the end of the month, review your spending to identify areas where you can cut back.

Additional Example: Set spending alerts on your bank account or credit card to notify you when you're approaching your budget limits in specific categories.

4. Prioritize Like a Boss:

When it comes to spending, not all expenses are created equal.

Give the essentials top billing and show the non-essentials to the cheap seats. Your wallet will thank you.

Actionable Advice: Allocate the bulk of your budget to fixed expenses like rent, utilities, and groceries.

Then, set aside a smaller portion for discretionary spending on things like dining out or entertainment.

Additional Example: Consider using the "pay yourself first" method by automatically transferring a portion of your income to savings before allocating funds to other expenses.

5. Get Creative with Saving:

Think outside the box when it comes to cutting costs.

From hunting for student discounts to swapping pricey outings for budget-friendly alternatives, get creative and watch your savings grow.

Actionable Advice: Instead of dining out at expensive restaurants, host a potluck dinner with friends or cook meals at home.

Look for free or low-cost activities like hiking or visiting local museums.

Additional Example: Use cashback apps or browser extensions to earn rewards or discounts on everyday purchases like groceries or online shopping.

6. Embrace the Power of Cash:

Cash is king when it comes to sticking to your budget.

Leave the plastic at home and let cold, hard cash keep your spending in check.

Plus, it's a great workout for your wallet.

Action Level: Withdraw your budgeted amount for discretionary spending in cash each week.

Once the cash is gone, resist the temptation to dip into your bank account for more.

Additional Example: Implement the "envelope system" by allocating cash to different spending categories and only using the allocated amount for each category.

7. Plan for the Unexpected:

Life's full of surprises – some good, some not so much.

Be prepared for whatever curveballs come your way by stashing some cash aside for emergencies.

Your future self will thank you.

Actionable Advice: Set up an emergency fund and contribute a small amount to it each month.

Aim to save enough to cover at least three to six months' worth of living expenses.

Additional Example: Consider purchasing insurance policies like renter's insurance or travel insurance to protect yourself from unexpected expenses or emergencies.

8. Treat Yo' Self (Within Reason):

Saving doesn't mean living like a hermit.

Treat yourself to the occasional splurge, but keep it within budget.

After all, a little indulgence can go a long way in keeping your spirits high.

Actionable Advice: Set aside a small portion of your budget for discretionary spending on things that bring you joy, like a movie night with friends or a new book.

Additional Example: Use "treat" purchases as rewards for reaching savings goals or staying within budget for a certain period.

9. Stay Flexible, Stay Sane:

Life's like a rollercoaster – full of twists and turns.

Stay flexible with your budgeting plans, and don't sweat the small stuff.

A little wiggle room can make all the difference.

Actionable Advice: If you overspend in one category, adjust your budget for the following month to compensate.

Be kind to yourself and remember that budgeting is a marathon, not a sprint.

Additional Example: Use budgeting apps that allow you to roll over unused funds from one category to another, providing flexibility without sacrificing financial goals.

10. Review and Revise Like a Pro:

Budgeting isn't a set-it-and-forget-it deal.

Regularly review your budget, make adjustments as needed, and keep your financial ship sailing smoothly through the seas of Erasmus adventures.

Actionable Advice: Schedule a monthly budget review session to track your progress and identify areas for improvement.

Update your budget as your income or expenses change to ensure it remains accurate and effective.

Additional Example: Set calendar reminders for budget review sessions or use budgeting apps that provide notifications when it's time to review your finances.

In Conclusion:

Budgeting doesn't have to be a buzzkill.

With a little planning, a dash of creativity, and a healthy dose of humor, you can keep your finances on track and your stress levels low during your Erasmus escapades in Athens.

And hey, if you're on the hunt for affordable digs in Athens, check out Rooms Athens.

Our move-in-ready apartments are budget-friendly and packed with all the comforts you need for a stress-free stay.

Happy budgeting, and may your wallet be ever full!

8 Tips & Tricks To Make the Most of Your Athens Student Housing Experience

Going to college is an exciting time in any student's life.

It's a time for growth, exploration, and learning.

And while classes and extracurricular activities may take up most of your time…

Your living situation can play a big role in your overall college experience.

That's why making the most of your student housing experience is important.

Here are some tips and tricks to help you do just that…

Get to Know Your Roommate

Living with a roommate can be challenging, but it can also be an excellent opportunity to make a new friend.

Take the time to get to know your roommate and find common ground.

Establishing a good relationship with your roommate can make your living situation more enjoyable…

Plus, it can even lead to lifelong friendships.

Get Involved in Your Community

Your student housing community is full of people just like you who are looking to make the most of their college experience.

Take advantage of this by getting involved in community events and activities.

Attend social events, join clubs and organizations, and volunteer your time.

Not only will this help you meet new people, but it will also give you a sense of belonging and purpose.

Keep Your Space Clean and Organized

It's easy for clutter to pile up in a small space like a room or apartment.

But keeping your space clean and organized can help you feel more relaxed and focused.

Take some time each day to tidy up your living space.

Make your bed, do your dishes, and put away any clutter.

You'll be surprised at how much better you feel in a clean, organized space.

Make Use of Common Spaces

Your student housing community likely has common spaces like a lounge or study area.

Take advantage of these spaces to enhance your college experience.

Use the study area to focus on your schoolwork and use the lounge to hang out with friends.

Decorate Your Space

Your room or apartment is your home away from home, so make it feel like it.

Add some personal touches to your space by decorating with pictures, posters, and other decor that reflects your personality.

Not only will this make your space feel more inviting, but it will also help you feel more comfortable and at home.

Set Boundaries

Living with roommates can be challenging, especially when it comes to boundaries.

Make sure to establish clear boundaries with your roommate from the beginning.

This can include quiet hours, sharing common spaces, and expectations around cleanliness.

Establishing clear boundaries can help ensure that everyone is on the same page and can help prevent conflicts down the road.

Take Care of Yourself

College can be stressful, and taking care of yourself physically and mentally is essential.

Make sure to eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly.

Here’s your GUIDE on how to eat healthy on a student budget in Athens…

Take time to relax and de-stress, whether that's through meditation, yoga, or just taking a walk outside.

And don't hesitate to seek out mental health support if you need it.

Embrace the Experience

College is a unique time in your life, and it's important to embrace the experience.

Take advantage of all the opportunities that come your way, whether that's trying a new activity, taking a class outside your major, or studying abroad.

Embrace the challenges and the successes, and remember that this time in your life is about growth and learning.

In conclusion, your student housing experience can play a big role in your overall college experience.

Following these tips and tricks can make the most of your living situation and enhance your college experience.

Take the time to get to know your roommate, get involved in your community, keep your space clean and organized, use shared spaces, decorate your space, set boundaries, take care of yourself, and embrace the experience.

With these tips in mind, you'll be well on your way to a fulfilling and enjoyable college experience.

The Impact of Comfort on Well-being: Unlocking Academic Success in Co-Living Spaces

Welcome, Erasmus adventurers!

Shall we delve into the heart of your student journey?


The impact of comfort on your mental well-being.

As you navigate the exciting landscape of studying in Athens…

We understand the importance of finding a comfortable living space that serves as your sanctuary.

So, let’s explore how a comfortable living environment positively influences your mental well-being and contributes to your academic success.

Understanding the Connection:

Let's start by unraveling the intricate relationship between your living space and mental well-being.

Your surroundings play a pivotal role in shaping your emotions, stress levels, and overall state of mind.

Comfortable housing acts as a foundation for creating a positive and conducive atmosphere for studying and thriving during your Erasmus experience.

Imagine returning to a cozy, well-furnished apartment after a long day of classes, knowing you have a comfortable space to unwind and recharge.

This sense of comfort sets the stage for a positive mindset, directly impacting your mental well-being.

Stress Reduction Through Design:

The design and layout of your home can significantly impact your stress levels.

Consider elements like proper lighting, ergonomic furniture, and a clutter-free environment.

These aspects contribute to a calming atmosphere that aids in stress reduction and enhances your overall well-being.

A well-lit study corner with a comfortable chair and organized desk creates an inviting space for focused study sessions.

This thoughtful design reduces stress and promotes a conducive environment for academic success.

Balancing Personal Space and Social Interaction:

Co-living environments offer a unique blend of personal space and social interaction.

Striking the right balance is essential for a positive living experience.

A comfortable living space provides the privacy you need while fostering opportunities for social connections with fellow Erasmus students.

Picture a communal area where you can engage in friendly conversations, share experiences, and build lasting friendships.

This balance allows for both personal introspection and social bonding, contributing to a well-rounded well-being.

Emotional Well-being Through Aesthetics:

The aesthetics of your home can have a profound impact on your emotional well-being.

Surrounding yourself with colors, textures, and decor that resonate with your preferences can uplift your mood and create a space that feels uniquely yours.

Choose decor that reflects your personality, such as vibrant wall art or cozy throw pillows.

These personal touches create a positive and emotionally satisfying atmosphere within your living space.

Quality Sleep for Cognitive Function:

Comfortable housing is incomplete without addressing the importance of quality sleep.

Your bedroom should be a haven for rest and rejuvenation.

Quality sleep is directly linked to cognitive function, memory retention, and overall academic performance.

A comfortable mattress and blackout curtains create an ideal sleep environment.

A good night's sleep enhances your ability to focus, retain information, and tackle academic challenges with clarity.

In conclusion, the impact of comfort on your mental well-being is a crucial aspect of your Erasmus journey.

A comfortable living space is not just a luxury; it's a foundation for success.

By understanding the connection between your environment and well-being, you can create a space that nurtures your academic aspirations and contributes to a fulfilling Erasmus experience.

If you've found these insights valuable and are seeking a comfortable, furnished co-living space in Athens, explore our listings at Rooms Athens.

Our move-in-ready apartments are designed to enhance your well-being, providing the perfect backdrop for academic success and memorable experiences.

Your journey to a comfortable and thriving Erasmus experience starts with the right living space – explore our listings today!