How to Maintain Cleanliness and Order in Shared Spaces in Your Erasmus Apartment

Living in shared accommodation can be a fantastic experience, offering the chance to make new friends and create lasting memories.

However, it also comes with its challenges, particularly when it comes to maintaining cleanliness and order.

Messy roommates can make shared living spaces stressful and uncomfortable.

This post will provide you with detailed, actionable insights on how to keep shared spaces clean and organized, ensuring a pleasant living environment for everyone.

1. Establish Ground Rules Early On

Set clear expectations from the beginning.

For example:

When you first move in, have a house meeting to discuss and agree on the cleanliness standards everyone should adhere to.

Create a list of ground rules, such as washing dishes immediately after use, not leaving personal items in common areas, and taking out the trash regularly.

Write these rules down and place them in a visible area, like on the fridge, to remind everyone.

2. Create a Cleaning Schedule

Divide the chores equally among housemates.

Develop a weekly cleaning schedule that assigns specific tasks to each person.

Tasks can include vacuuming, dusting, cleaning the bathroom, and taking out the trash.

Rotate the chores weekly so that everyone shares the responsibilities evenly.

Use a whiteboard or a shared digital calendar to keep track of the schedule and ensure accountability.

3. Hold Each Other Accountable

Regularly check in with your housemates.

Schedule regular house meetings.

Discuss any issues related to cleanliness and to check if everyone is following the agreed-upon rules and schedule.

If someone is not pulling their weight, address the issue politely but firmly.

Open communication is key to ensuring everyone stays accountable and the living space remains tidy.

4. Implement the "Clean As You Go" Rule

Tidy up immediately after using common areas.

After cooking, clean up the kitchen right away.

Wash your dishes, wipe down the countertops, and store leftovers appropriately.

Similarly, after using the living room, ensure any personal items are put away, and cushions are fluffed.

This habit prevents mess from accumulating and keeps the shared spaces consistently clean.

5. Provide Cleaning Supplies

Ensure everyone has access to necessary cleaning tools.

Stock the common areas with cleaning supplies such as all-purpose cleaners, sponges, dish soap and trash bags..

Having these items readily available makes it easier for everyone to clean up after themselves.

You can also set up a shared fund where each housemate contributes a small amount monthly to replenish these supplies.

6. Lead by Example

Set a good example for your housemates.

Be proactive in keeping shared spaces clean and organized.

If your housemates see you consistently tidying up after yourself and following the cleaning schedule, they are more likely to do the same.

Positive behavior can be contagious, and leading by example can encourage others to maintain cleanliness.

7. Designate Personal Storage Areas

Avoid clutter by providing specific storage for each housemate.

Assign designated storage areas for each person in the kitchen, bathroom, and other common areas.

This can be as simple as allocating specific shelves or cabinets for each housemate.

Having personal storage spaces helps keep communal areas free from clutter and makes it easier to find and store personal belongings.

8. Address Issues Promptly

Resolve cleanliness-related conflicts quickly and effectively.

If you notice a recurring problem, such as someone consistently leaving dishes in the sink, address it as soon as possible.

Have a calm and respectful conversation with the person involved, and work together to find a solution.

Ignoring issues can lead to resentment and a worsening living environment.

9. Keep Common Areas Minimalist

Reduce clutter by keeping decorations and personal items to a minimum.

Agree with your housemates to keep common areas simple and clutter-free.

Limit decorations to a few shared items, like a communal plant or a piece of art that everyone enjoys.

This approach not only makes cleaning easier but also creates a more organized and visually appealing space.

10. Celebrate Your Clean Home

Reinforce positive behavior by celebrating your efforts.

Once you've established and maintained a clean and orderly home, celebrate your success together.

Host a small gathering or a movie night to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Celebrating your achievements can reinforce the importance of cleanliness and motivate everyone to keep up the good work.

Final Thoughts

Maintaining cleanliness and order in shared spaces requires effort and cooperation from everyone involved.

By establishing ground rules, creating a cleaning schedule, holding each other accountable, and leading by example, you can ensure a pleasant and tidy living environment.

Remember, a clean home is not only more comfortable but also promotes a healthier and more harmonious living experience.

If you found these tips helpful and are looking for a place that values cleanliness and community, check out our listings.

We offer accommodations that prioritize comfort, cleanliness, and a sense of community, making your living experience as enjoyable as possible.

Get in touch with us to find your ideal home today!