Your First Steps in a Shared Student Apartment in Athens

Top tips on moving in (don't screw up #4!)

Moving into your student apartment in Athens is super exciting. But it can also get stressful.

At roomsAthens, we want to make your first steps in a shared student accommodation a smooth ride.

So we compiled practical tips on arriving, moving in, meeting flatmates, laundry... and organizing your stuff. (especially helpful if you're new to the city and/or an Erasmus student).


Arrival & check-in

Tip one: arrival & check-in

During your booking process find out what type of check-in is offered.

If it is a self-check-in, make sure you received and understood all the instructions.

Unless you want to end up on the street with your luggage without being able to get into your accommodation in Athens...

Ask your landlord to provide a photo/ video. It's always helpful.

When your check-in is in person, here are the best steps to take:

  • State your arrival details. Don't forget about the time difference when you share your arrival time

  • Better yet, share your flight number. This way, it's easier to track and adjust to your actual arrival time.

On your arrival:

Introduce yourself in a friendly manner. If you arrive with a delay, don't forget to apologize. Being polite is always a great idea.

If your flatmates are home, greet them and briefly introduce yourself.


Property inspection

Tip two: Check your student room and apartment

Stay polite but firm if you notice anything different about your room and property. Don't be shy to ask questions!

You should receive a brief tour of the property with a demonstration and explanation.

If you haven't received this info, remember to ask how to operate the water boiler, AC, and appliances.

Usually, there isn't enough time to spot any discrepancies right away. So, instead of rushing out to explore all the city's hot spots... spend the first 24h checking your student flatshare in Athens!

Write down everything damaged, out of order, or missing altogether. Contact your landlord and your booking provider to let them know (if not booked directly).

Once again, be respectful but firm. You should receive what you were promised. It's your right.

If the landlord isn't willing to correct their omissions, arrange your exit. Obviously, you don't want to leave without booking another place.

So, arrange at least a week's stay, so you have time to visit places and make sure it's exactly what you what.

Assuming you find everything to your liking:

The room and apartment are just like in the photos, all appliances are in working condition and all the features as described...


Meet your flatmates

Tip three: Time to get to know your flatmates

The more, the better! Ask about their habits. Talk about yours.

Agree on how each will use the kitchen. Discuss food storage. Set boundaries.

Who likes finding out someone was secretly nibbling on your favorite breakfast without asking you.


Hygiene & cleanliness

Tip four: One of the most critical parts is keeping hygiene standards

It's especially crucial when you live in a shared student apartment.

When you rent student accommodation in Athens, chances are you won't have more than two bathrooms in a property.

That means you might be sharing the bathrooms with two, three, or more flatmates. It's essential you discuss and stick to agreed rules.

Don't use other flatmates' hygiene products; instead, make sure you are fully stocked on your own.

Clean the bathroom after using it. It's very unpleasant to walk into a flooded, filthy bathroom. No one likes it, and you wouldn't like it either.

Don't take too much time when you know everyone is in a hurry to get to school or work. It'll upset your flatmates for sure.

Don't pile up dishes in the kitchen. Create a routine and agree with all flatmates on sticking to it.

The same goes for garbage disposal: take it out DAILY... and save yourself from unwelcome guests like cockroaches.

Laundry is another task you should be as organized as possible. Many student apartments in Athens have a washer in the property.

For example, our properties all have washing machines inside the apartment. It makes our tenants' stay much more comfortable.

But having it and using it right sometimes come at odds. Make sure you know how to operate it.

Create a schedule on when each flatmate uses it. Agree on how you buy and use the detergent.

The clearer you all on such things, the easier this process will be.


Inviting friends over

Tip five: Remember to talk about inviting guests over

Put specific rules in place.

Your flatmates might be working on a paper. They won't appreciate noise coming from your room or living space.

Another super important thing is to know your building rules. ASK your landlord about large gatherings and party policies.

There have been many cases when the building manager calls the police due to excessive noise. In such an instance, you most likely get evicted and lose your deposit as a result.

If you're planning to have friends over for a party, it's good to warn the building manager and the neighbors.

But don't invite the entire university. No one will accept it.

Don't carry over set hours. No need to damage your relationship with the neighbors.

Athens is full of entertainment catering to all budgets, so you can continue partying, choosing one that suits you.

It's a well-known fact- Greeks are party experts. All you need is to party at the right place.

In conclusion:

Your first steps in your student flat in Athens will set you for a fantastic stay... or a struggle. It's up to you to make it the best experience ever.

Be mindful and respectful of others and stick to the building rules.

Agree with your flatmates on the main house chores.

And enjoy to the fullest. Greece is stunning and diverse in its beauty. We're sure you'll have an unforgettable time!

Now, you can take the guesswork out. Save time and money and make sure your landlord works 24/7 for YOU.

Get in touch with our team. We're looking forward to hosting you in Athens!

Ten costly mistakes to avoid when renting furnished apartments in Athens

What Erasmus students and nomads get wrong with accommodation in Athens...

Are you moving to Athens to have a great time during your Erasmus year? Or maybe you're a nomad looking for a new experience? 

If so, it's not always easy to find and rent the best apartment. 

This article helps you avoid some of the costliest mistakes... and instead focus on what matters most: meeting new people and exploring Athens!

Here are the top 10 mistakes you should avoid.

1. Not signing a contract

Reading and signing a contract is the first thing you should do when renting an apartment. A contract can protect you from fraud.

The most important things to look for are the deposit and termination clauses. 

The deposit is what you pay when you sign the contract. 

You should receive the deposit back in full upon your departure. Provided, of course, there is no damage to the property, and you've paid all your bills on time.

The termination clause states how much notice you must give the landlord before leaving.

2. Trusting everything that the listing description says

When looking for a student room or apartment to rent online, make sure you read everything.

It is common to see listings that say "fully-furnished" or "all bills included." But then it turns out there isn't a fridge or washing machine in the house... and you have to pay extra every month for water and electricity.

Make sure the contract you sign describes what you're getting exactly. 

3. Not asking about pets, noise, and smoking policy

Some landlords consider pets or noise to be a deal-breaker. Some want only non-smokers in their apartments. Others don't care what you do as long as you pay your rent on time. 

Make sure you know where the landlord stands before you sign a lease.

4. Not paying attention to the exact location of your apartment

It isn't easy to find apartments for students in Athens near your campus or university building. 

But it doesn't mean that you should settle for anything less than that. 

By choosing a place that is far away from where you go every day, you might face a longer commute... and unexpected costs that come with it.

5. Not asking about internet connection, furniture, appliances, etc.

The description of a flat or a room may be incomplete. 

To avoid unpleasant surprises after making a move-in, like discovering missing kitchen appliances or realizing that there is no furniture in the bedroom except for a bed... make sure to ask all these questions before signing a contract.

It might seem like a harmless detail, but it can be a huge issue if you're moving into an Erasmus apartment in Athens, especially during the summer months.

Athens is not just hot. It's also humid, which can make you feel like you're living in a sauna. 

So ask your landlord whether the house has air conditioning and the procedure to turn it on.

And don't expect to find an air conditioner in every room; usually, there's one or two in a house. 

If there's no air conditioner at all, look for another place! You'll be glad you did. 

6. Picking an apartment without considering who you're living with

Do your homework and interview the people you'll be living with - this will save you from some unpleasant surprises!

If you want to live with other people in an apartment, be sure to ask to meet them before signing the contract. 

If your landlord refuses, keep looking.

7. Not taking photos of the apartment before moving in

You may think your landlord will never try anything shady with your deposit money... but unfortunately, that's not always the case. 

To protect yourself from false damage claims, take photos of the entire apartment before moving in (or better yet, video). 

Make sure everything looks OK — no holes or water leaks — and note any damage or issues on your contract. 

That way, when it's time to get your deposit back, you have proof. 

And having proof will protect you from any landlord's attempts to "load" you with any repair costs... for things you didn't damage.

8. Not getting a receipt for any cash payment you give for your rent or security deposit

If you end up paying more than you agreed on, having these receipts will help your landlord understand that he is incorrect.

9. Not getting apartment insurance

If you're renting an apartment and your landlord does not have coverage for the entire building or unit and its contents... you may want to consider getting insured yourself.

This is especially important if you have expensive items like laptops, cameras, or other electronics. 

There are many types of insurance available.

A typical policy includes coverage for theft or damage from a fire or natural disaster. 

As with all types of insurance, there are many options and factors that can influence how much they cost. 

The cheapest policies generally cover only fire and natural disasters, while more comprehensive policies cover theft and injuries. 

10. Not following house rules

Many people ignore the house rules. This is one of the biggest mistakes since it can end up in eviction. 

For example, if you're not allowed to have pets, and yet you have one... or if guests are not allowed after 11 pm, and you don't follow this rule, the landlord may evict you. 

Avoid making too much noise. This is another mistake that can be a massive issue.

Don't do it if your rental doesn't allow gatherings or parties with loud music. You will end up in a conflict with your landlord, making things difficult for both of you.

In conclusion.

You should do your research and make sure you know what you are going for, especially when it comes to Erasmus apartments.  

The proper planning will lead you to have a great experience in your Erasmus apartment.

Good luck and have a wonderful time in Athens…

Want to make sure you get the right place without memorizing all the above?

Get in touch with our team. 

roomsAthens team has been expertly providing Erasmus students and professionals with affordable furnished rental properties for almost a decade now. 

We're always happy to help!

Five Essential Items To Pack For Your Erasmus in Athens [INFOGRAPHIC]

So you’ve picked Athens as your Erasmus city, and the excitement is starting to build.

But before you get carried away with the thought of all-night partying and endless tanning sessions, there’s one important piece of business to take care of: your packing list!

This infographic will help you pack essential items for your Erasmus in Athens and make your adventure an unforgettable one.


Get this infographic with the five essential items, and make sure you pack them!

(We skipped one item but are sure that's the ONE you'll remember first of all :)