The Benefits of Living Close to Campus for Erasmus Students in Athens

And how you can afford it without breaking the bankā€¦

Let's be honest.

Living close to campus is one of the best things for an Erasmus student in Athens, Greece.

You can enjoy many benefits.

For example, easier access to classes and better academic performance.

Plus a lot more opportunities to socialize with fellow students!

And co-living housing makes this experience much more accessible.

So, let's explore the benefits of living close to campus for Erasmus students in Athens...

... and how affordable co-living housing helps this experience.

Convenience and Time Management

One of the most significant benefits of living near campus is its convenience.

When you live close to campus, you can save time and money on transportation.

This can help you manage your time better and ensure you arrive at classes on time.

It also means you can take advantage of the university's resources.

So, take advantage of the library, labs, and academic support services.

And affordable co-living student housing takes this benefit a step further.

How, you ask?

By providing a convenient, all-inclusive living experience.

For instance:

Many co-living spaces offer amenities such as free Wi-Fi and laundry facilities.

Which can save you time and money and ensure you have more time to focus on your studies and social life.

Better Academic Performance

Living close to campus has proven to impact academic performance positively.

Living near campus means you can spend more time studying and attending lectures.

Plus, engaging with your professors and classmates is fast and easy.

Which leads to better academic performance and higher grades.

Again, co-living student housing can help you achieve even better academic performance.

When you have a supportive and stimulating living environment studying becomes more fun.

Many co-living spaces offer study rooms, group sessions, and tutoring services.

This can help you stay motivated and focused on your studies.

More Social Opportunities

Living close to campus also provides more opportunities to socialize with fellow students.

You can attend more social events, clubs, and activities on campus.

Which helps you meet new people, make friends, and... build a network that can help you in your academic career.

Co-living Erasmus housing fosters a supportive and inclusive community, amplifying social opportunities.

Use your co-living space for social events like movie nights, game nights... and even cooking together.

This can help you meet other students, make friends, and build community.

Safety and Security

Living close to campus also offers improved safety and security.

Less commuting reduces the risks associated, such as traffic accidents and crime.

Plus, you can enjoy the security measures put in place by the university (when available).

For instance: campus security patrols and emergency response systems.

Co-living housing can provide an extra layer of safety and security.

Knowing you live in a safe and secure environment can give you peace of mind.

Cultural Immersion

Finally, living close to campus can provide an immersive cultural experience.

Athens is a vibrant and diverse city with a rich history and culture.

Living close to campus can allow you to explore this culture more deeply.

Attend local events, try new foods, and engage with local people.

And co-living Erasmus housing can enhance this cultural immersion even further.

Get your flatmates to connect with local residents. And together, learn about local customs and traditions.

Another benefit of living close to campus?

An opportunity to get involved in campus activities and events!

Erasmus students who live close to campus have the advantage of being able to attend extracurricular activities and social events... without worrying about commuting long distances.

These events can include sports games, concerts, club meetings, guest lectures, and more.

In conclusion:

Living close to campus offers many benefits for Erasmus students.

From the convenience of a short commute to the social and community aspects... there are many reasons to consider this option when doing Erasmus in Athens, Greece.

Co-living Erasmus housing in Athens makes this option affordable and accessible.

And if you'd like to be just a short walk away from your university... and enjoy some of the most talked about Erasmus apartments in Athens, contact us NOW!

roomsAthens team is looking forward to hosting you in Athens.